Was ist bei Stalingrad passiert?

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin ja eigentlich einer der ziemlich viel über das 20. Jahrhundert weiß und besonders über den 2. Weltkrieg. Aber ich habe mal gehört dass bei Stalingrad eine schlimme Schlacht gewesen war und ich weiß nur etwas über die große Panzerschlacht um Kursk. Also was ist bei Stalingrad passiert, was war der Auslöser und wie lange und schlimm war die Schlacht?

Ich würde mich über Antworten freuen.

Lg und schönen Tag noch 👋

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1 year ago

The trigger was that Hitler’s Wehrmacht and her allies wanted to advance even further towards the south-east. Stalingrad had been an economic metropolis, even if the industrial plants had long been brought behind the Ural; far more it was with Stalin’s name as a symbol of the Soviet Union.

As dictators of course place special value on symbols and prestige, this city was fought particularly bitterly, with the German and allied troops (particularly Romanian and Italian units) being far in the sub-number and also their supply was precarious.

They were confronted with more than one million Red Armists who were well equipped and buried and who were mercilessly heated by their commanders to win this prestigious battle, which did not take place in the open field, but in the battle of the house.

After a pliers attack on the weakened German flanks, the 6th army of field marshal Paul encased after the command of the Wehrmacht had categorically rejected a retreat and a front graduation.

The troops were practically no longer supplied and who did not die or fervent, went to captivity and the least of them came back home.

1 year ago
Reply to  Altersweise

You’re just making a mistake, Hitler didn’t want the city by name, that would have been an idiotic reason. He wanted to secure the city around the Volga, as well as as as a logistics center. The conquest of Stalingrad was indispensable for a further advance into the Caucasus.

1 year ago

The battle for Stalingrad, which took place from August 1942 to February 1943, was one of the decisive battles of the Second World War and a turning point in the war. The city of Stalingrad, today called Volgograd, was an important transport hub and had a symbolic significance for the Soviet population. The attack of the German Wehrmacht on Stalingrad was part of the company “Blue”, which aimed at conquering the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus.

The German army led by General Friedrich Paulus quickly entered the city and conquered important parts of the city centre. The Red Army under the command of General Wassili Chukov, however, held the position in Stalingrad on the eastern side of the Volga. Tchaikovsky’s tactics was to entangle the German troops into the fight of the houses and to reduce the streets and houses. This led to severe losses on both sides and a war of positions in the city.

In November 1942, the Red Army launched a massive counter-offensive that had the goal of encircling the German troops in the city. The Soviet army surprised the German troops with their attack, which quickly progressed and broke through the German front. The German troops were divided and separated into two parts. The 6th Army, which was in the city, was cut off from the outside world and could no longer be supplied with supplies.

The conquest of the German troops in Stalingrad was a decisive moment in the battle. The German troops were no longer able to move or maintain supplies. They were also exposed to the attacks of the Soviet army, which surrounded their positions. The supply of German troops was inadequate, and many soldiers suffered from hunger and diseases.

In January 1943, the Red Army launched another offensive to defeat the German troops. The Soviet army attacked from all sides and pushed the German troops back. General Paulus demanded reinforcement and postponement, but Adolf Hitler refused to evacuate or strengthen the German army from the city.

On February 2, 1943 General Paul and his army surrendered. The battle for Stalingrad was over, and the German army had suffered one of their greatest defeats. The battle for Stalingrad was a turning point in the Second World War and an important victory of the Allies.

In total, 1.2 million people died during the battle for Stalingrad. The battle was one of the bloodiest and most lossy battles of history.

1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian1970

Adolf Hitler refused to evacuate or strengthen the German army from the city. ?



From here it was clear that there were no significant reserves.

1 year ago
Reply to  zetra

Retraction would have been an option before closing the boiler. A relief attack with the 2nd Army (Weichs) and/or the 4th Army (Hoth). What the result would have been is to be discussed. But these measures were discussed, supported by parts of the General Staff, but rejected by Hitler.

1 year ago

Google will be able to make more detailed statements than the users here.

1 year ago

Stalingrad is considered a turning point in World War II. Hitler has the 6. Army is completely sensually heated and outbreak attempts are prohibited.

However, even without this defeat, Germany was at the latest on the Loserstraße with the US military entry.

1 year ago

From the 6th Army with more than 20,000 men has returned to Germany less than 20,000 men living from the prison of war. One of the main combat sites was the so-called “Mühle” with meter-thick brick walls and a small wall corner ~ 80 cm high behind the always a Russian shooter and which the Germans could not eliminate. Today, next to the mill, a museum with a Russian fighter aircraft is set up. In Volgograd, as Stalingrad now says, there is a well-known memorial for the many fallen => the “Mamajev-Genkmal” or -Hügel.

1 year ago

A crucial point has been that the spy, Richard Sorge signaled, Japan will not attack the Soviet Union. And this freed Siberian units, which were fresh and well equipped, in Stalingrad. It was possible to report even more about it, but it was mentioned here essentially everything, the superiority of the Red Army has been overwhelming, which could not break through even Manstein with an armored army, around the 6th. Army to relieve Paul. He had to turn around to not be rubbed by himself.

1 year ago
Reply to  zetra

That’s not right!

This was the case in 1941 when the attack on Moscow failed.

At that time the Soviets were able to bring fresh well-equipped troops from Siberia to the front of Moscow….

1 year ago
Reply to  Weinberg

Faish! It was planned by the leader to starve Moscow and Leningrad! The two councils should not be conquered because they had to cultivate millions, the population should starve! It is Generation Putin quite conscious!

1 year ago
Reply to  Weinberg

Where’s your contribution, then we could find out what should disturb you here?

1 year ago
Reply to  Weinberg

…and what does that have to do with Stalingrad and the contested answer?

1 year ago

It should be approx. 3 million red-armists have passed, unnecessary eaters didn’t want the Nazis.

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

You mean these troops weren’t fresh anymore? This is not a compote, and these soldiers were not the same before Moscow.

1 year ago


1 year ago

It doesn’t bother me anyway!

But the matter with Dr. Sorge was already in 1941, where the Soviets could transfer fresh Siberian troops to Moscow.

And not 1942….

1 year ago

…was that claimed?

1 year ago

Because the thing with the spy Dr. Sorge has already happened in 1941 (sleep around Moscow) and not in 1942 (Stalingrad)….