Was ist bei mir los?

hallo und zwar ich habe gestern richtig Rachen schmerzen gehabt habe dagegen solche lutsch Tabletten von der Apotheke bekommen die Rachen schmerzen sind weg aber ich bin wach geworden und hatte Dan so ein husten der schleimig ist und in der Lunge weh tut ist das was ernstes sollte ich zum Arzt gehen ?

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1 year ago

I suspect that you are simply and graspingly a grippal infect is on the rise. You can run to a doctor or let it be. Would last two weeks with tablets; without 14 days. It’s best to help me with aspirin. Not your lung hurts, but your bronchial from the cough. It’s normal. If it gets worse and the ejection becomes yellow, the family doctor is told.

1 year ago

If you feel sick or sick, yes, you go to the doctor. If your cough has a slimy consistency, there’s something going on. No wonder everything will hurt you. In order to determine whether you have a flu or a cold or something else (Ferndiagnoses can’t be expected here), you should go to the doctor immediately, also to rule out that you may be infected by your environment. In addition, you will get an AU at the Doc, if necessary and a prescription for the appropriate medicine that can help you. Good improvement.

1 year ago


We can’t tell you what you have.

Better once too much as too little to the doctor


1 year ago

Make a Corona test.