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Er hat es wirklich gekocht und gegessen
It is, of course, more than just drinking fruit and vegetables and water.
Movement sufficient and meat and fish Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids not to forget ballasts.
There are so nourishing pyramids or lists, there are on the Internet to download or print out, of course you can eat everything with measure and goal.
Which fish and what meat.?? Thank you.
Heilbutt, Wels, salmon fillet are very good and recommended.
Meat turkey, veal, wild meat is also very good and vitamin rich.
Meat I would recommend 2 times a week and fish so 2 times a week.
The protein or Protein and essential fatty acids or Fat.
No, because, for example, proteins and calories are missing and many other substances). Balanced means versatile, varied and colorful.
Also balanced means that you are not always the same fruit and vegetables.
For this reason it is quite difficult for a pure vegan diet to supply balanced with all nutrients.
You have to read how to get all the nutrients from planting things in sufficient quantity without having a deficiency.
A balanced diet is called to take all necessary nutrients.
You don’t do that with fruit and vegetables alone.
Balance means everything. So all food groups.