Was ist an das dreigliedrige Schulsystem so schlecht?
Was gibt es daran auszusetzen, dass es Hauptschule, Realschule und Gymnasium gibt? Wenn es der Gesellschaft in diesem Land dient. Es hat System.
Was gibt es daran auszusetzen, dass es Hauptschule, Realschule und Gymnasium gibt? Wenn es der Gesellschaft in diesem Land dient. Es hat System.
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I believe a great criticism is not even the division, but the time of division. In most of the Länder, this is done according to the 4. Class, you’re talking about 10 years old after performance. Sometimes it is forgotten that there are up and downhill possibilities in the German school system and therefore often the argument falls the division by class 4 would determine the life of the children. It is too early to teach 10 year-olds you will study once and you will make an apprenticeship in the crafts, with so many opportunities in Germany and so many ways to study without the “classical” gymnasium path. I can understand the point that when pupils do not change the switch in their head a little later, they only start through a little later, discover their potential, make more for school, etc., but they can also change or otherwise if someone notices Abitur is nothing for me, you also acquire the middle maturity at the gymnasium and can go to class 10 and start training or otherwise. I can only agree here notting that it is even more pleasant for students when learning with students who have a similar interest in learning and I say sometimes are at a level. And if now someone is completely dissatisfied with the division, there are also general schools in Germany, which are just against the division into high school, real school, primary school and where students of all levels are taught together. However, my criticism of schools is that it does not work well from my point of view when students with such different needs sit in one class. The good ones will thrive because they don’t want to be stamped as a streak (and they may be annoyed at some point that they always know everything) and the worse try not to cover their skills and make for example a class clown or cool. Perhaps it is also my view as a person who knows nothing other than the gymnasium and primary school from his own experience, but I would be too risky for under- and over-reach at school as well as the burden for teachers.
Yes, this is a legitimate criticism from you of school. But perhaps, for example, in the school as a whole, pupils with little learning can teach the craftsmanship and the students with a high level of learning can help the students with science subjects.
Three-member school systems remain strong and weak pupils. Thus, main students can rarely reach a higher degree. Strong students develop less social competence to deal with weaker students.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the gymnasial pupils usually have well-toothed parents and main pupils usually come from socially weak and poor parents’ home. This ensures discrimination and division of society with lack of consideration of the individual development of each child and missed potentials.
How do you think that the high-learning students are bad in crafts and the low-learning students are good?! If you’re a learner, you’ll learn things badly.
I was essentially a good student and not a bad craftsman. But most bad pupils were also totally assi on it, have probably damaged tools and, for example, carved me.
I was healed when the debes (mostly apparently “Bio-German”) were deported to the main school after the 4th c.
I can well understand your point of division, but I think it should not be the task of the stronger pupils to help the weaker ones, but the demands of schools and teachers should encourage and demand every pupil and therefore discover weaknesses and potentials.
If there is no detectable neurological thing, it is usually due to the fact that one has not brought the subject to the children early enough with fun.
As I said, I was able to do a lot as a child and I can write my postings here without spelling / grammar examination and English also quite well.
And my experience is that there are too many debes that simply have no bock either on craftsmanship or on spiritual work, so without having proven neurological problems.
This is just an example and not generalization. Every person has strengths and weaknesses. My cousin is mentally disabled, but he is very talented. Not only is the employer enthusiastic about him, but also his family in the household. He’s very bad in languages. His brother is good in languages and mentally healthy, but bad in crafts.
I don’t know. Most of the mugs, have no idea of the change/upgrade possibilities and that students willing to learn are happy to have less learning-involuntary classmates – most of them still mobbing to leave their frustration.
Language problems should be addressed with targeted language courses, if necessary self-paid. Most Germans who go to non-German-speaking countries also do not expect to speak their language and take care of it themselves.
And if teachers do not recognize gifts, all together have no advantage.
Does it serve society in our country? In the case of the Pisa studies it has been seen that the countries with later differentiation and/or total school systems have cut off better.
I can help my case. In primary school, I was a rather poor student because I was constantly underwhelmed and the learning material was rather bored. In addition, I had a laurel who spoke out their recommendations more on the scientific origin of the students than on their lines. I owe it to my mother’s dedication that I could at least go to real school.
My primary school teacher would have liked to send me to the main school, and I would have been heavily underwhelmed once again and would have done a bad primary school degree for a long time.
I then managed to complete the real school with qualification and joined Abi. But without my mother’s support, this would not have worked, with a less dedicated mother, I would have hung up.
I don’t even consider the three-part school system to be very bad, even though of course everything has advantages and disadvantages.
I worked up myself from the school, from the main school to the study and lived through all the forms of school.
As a result of the fact that one can generally acquire the middle maturity with qualification for the upper secondary school at the primary school, the school system is already very permeable. Even someone who has been trained to a primary school in the 5th grade can go after the 10th. Go to the gymnasial upper level and make Abi.
With us, those who have made the middle maturity at the primary school made just half of it the subject or the abi.
Of course, secondary schools or secondary schools also offer their advantages. Whether this model is actually better or not, must show up in the long term.
On the other hand, I find it better to support each other if you learn at the same level.
At an upper or upper secondary school is also differentiated by different levels of learning.
I grew up with it and never had anything to do with it.
It could be ten-member. Nevertheless, it would be bad. Who is the society to serve the system? Such anonymous terms such as «Society» negate the problem. We don’t need schoolsystem, but opportunities for education. How a person forms should be left to him. The fact that every person is forced into the system in Germany alone makes it clear that our school system is not about people. Never mind.
Greeting Matti
There must be certain minimum knowledge requirements, otherwise there will be no training/job, and even in private life will have constant problems if they do not find a co-representant they can use or. from which they are then mercilessly dependent. And especially if parents don’t move, someone has to. create a certain pressure that students not just waste time massively by laziness. In addition, one must first learn how to learn best in the long term, because very individual.
There is no school duty. I saw some videos from the USA the other day on “radical unschooling” with the result that some children with 9 or 10 years could not even read. I think this is a risk of child welfare.
So what? What kind of natural law is that you have to be able to do this at nine or ten years? There are even twelve, in rare cases also fourteen, who still cannot. Among free learners, the range of reading and writing begins with three or four years and ends, as mentioned, approximately with fourteen.
There are also school children who can’t do that at the age. There are even school leavers who cannot read properly. And now compare the numbers of both groups. You will be surprised to see that the number of functional anaphabets among the educated people is higher than among the free-learners. In North America, this has been investigated, more precisely in the Canadian Fraser Institute.
For the nine- or ten-year-olds mentioned by you there was no reason to learn the reading. You will do that when it for them is important.
There are also schools where you do not prescribe when and how you learn reading and writing. On an earlier website of the Kapriole (Democratic School in Freiburg), you could even read it. There was a sense: with us, no student leaves the school without being able to read and write. However, there are no requirements when this has to be done.
The risk of child welfare is if one forces minors against their will to have to learn the cultural performance of reading writing at a certain time.
A 9 or 10 year old is not self-employed if he can’t even read a bus schedule or a traffic sign to come home or to his friends. But it seems to me that you don’t care about the independence of children. I’m sorry, because children are not pets.
You realize that you’ve only theoretically dealt with the phenomenon. Of course, reading and writing in our latitudes is important. That is why most of them learn when they are not forced to do so at a certain age. Besides, I wrote: «if it for they is important.» And if you want to read something, it’s important to read.
Look at that. So you know it works without compulsion. And then why are you upset about the fact that nine- or ten-year-olds who were not in kindergarten can’t? You’ll be able to do it sometime.
Being able to read is an important property in our society, children who cannot read at age are simply excluded from many things and that cannot be good. It greatly restricts development and self-employment.
Unfug. To deny or complicate children’s participation in social life is not in the sense of child welfare.
Random fact: I could read before I came to school (and I was nciht in kindergarten).