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Whether there is a difference between cigar and pipe I don’t know, but because you don’t inhale both, but just paffinate, the lung is not or hardly affected, which is certainly the main problem in cigarettes. However, the mouth and throat are loaded. However, I think the main difference is that no cigar smoker smokes several times a day cigar. In addition, cigar/puffife has significantly less addiction potential, since it is 1. (as stated) can not be done so regularly in everyday life and 2. when paffing, the nicotine cannot be noticed and thus only a psychological dependency can arise.
have you not forgotten the logical alternative to these selection points?
Don’t smoke!
You can smoke what you want. Anyone who speaks of “healthy” has not understood somewhere that smoke contains pollutants that cannot be healthy.
Of the three, the pipe.
Whistle smoking often has something meditative, relaxing. Many people smoke only one pipe a day.
In addition, many pipes offer the possibility to use a filter at least on the German market. This naturally does not make smoking healthy, but at least it is less harmful.
It’s not healthy. You mean “the least harmful.”
*at least unhealthy
None of this is healthy even in the most remote.
Don’t smoke.