Was isst oder trinkst Du als Erstes nach dem Aufwachen?

Früher habe ich direkt nach dem Aufwachen nichts gegessen. Keinen Appetit!

Weil ich jetzt arbeiten sollte, wurde der Frühstück sehr wichtig, deswegen esse ich ein Stück Brot mit Käse, bevor ich zur Arbeit gehe.

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2 years ago

I have a bottle of mineral water on the bed and drink a big sip from it in the morning.

I don’t like food early, I’ve been spoiling it a long time ago. I’m going to have a lunch package in the evening and something I can eat before work. This can be a banana or a bread or some couscoussalate. Something you can eat quickly in three bites so that the stomach does not grow in the morning. So that I eat before work about a half hours after getting up, then I am able to take up, before that I would become rather bad if I immediately eat something.

In the summer I often manage to drink a fresh smoothie at home. In the evening, I prepare an fruit-seed mixture and season it with water in the morning and can then tip it down. In some cases, beans are also included, so that I am filled first (e.g. a can of pasty tomatoes, 3 peaches, a bar of leek, 2 carrots, a can of Kidney beans).

2 years ago

First of all, after waking up always a table of chocolate, have a big stock in my closet 🤭😅

of course, even if I get awake at night

2 years ago
Reply to  PandaGirl2004

Oh that’s unhealthy 😱😅

2 years ago
Reply to  LebenslangGW

I’m aware – but for that it tastes very good and is good for the figure 🤭

2 years ago

Don’t worry. I wish you all the best and hope you will be happy with the figure and chocolate 😅

2 years ago

Seriously, it was already. We have only a different opinion of “good” 🤣

2 years ago

Yeah, I know you didn’t mean it seriously with the figure. I just wanted to explain once again that I tried and why I didn’t do it anymore 😅

2 years ago

Honestly, that was exactly what “good for the figure” meant.

But everyone sees it differently

2 years ago

So I used to have a few kilos of chocolate in the nightstand and then I was constantly eating and in the end I was a few kilos heavier. I’d rather leave

2 years ago

I’ll drink water and coffee after waking up, I’ll eat for lunch.

2 years ago

I drink two glasses of water every morning and eat something at school.



2 years ago

I don’t eat breakfast because I’m not hungry in the morning and I’m drinking water and then coffee or espresso.

2 years ago

Right after getting up I drink water and eat I usually only later

2 years ago

I always drink a glass of water^^ I eat only very rarely after getting up 💜

2 years ago

I drink a glass of water to my tablets. I don’t want to eat.

2 years ago

Four cups of coffee, croissant and honey bread.

2 years ago
Reply to  Naya7

This will be more

2 years ago


2 years ago

oatmeal with water

2 years ago

Coffee, often before breakfast.