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3 months ago

1. Fårikål: A stew of lamb and cabbage, often considered a national dish.

Two. Rakfisk: Fermented fish, usually served with potatoes and sour cream.

3. Lapskaus: a stew of meat and vegetables, often eaten with bread.

4. Klippfisk: Dried and salted fish used in many dishes.

Five. Kjøttkaker: Norwegian meatballs, often served with potatoes and a brown sauce.

Fresh seafood, such as shrimps and crabs, are also very popular, especially in coastal regions.

3 months ago

In Oslo, as in all Norway, a lot of fish is eaten. Often for breakfast.

Most of them are imported, as in Norway not much agriculture is possible. Pigmeat is taken from Denmark in large quantities. Vegetables mostly from Sweden. Cheese is eaten a lot, also special Norwegian cheeses.

Fast food is also available, but less than in other European countries and is very expensive. Pizza and Asian dishes are common in restaurants. Cereal products, both in the form of muesli and as a whole variant of cookies baked.

3 months ago

What do you eat in Oslo?



Cake for coffee

Evening bread

3 months ago

Stock fish from the lofots.

Gudbrandsdsost cooking cheese.