Was in Gutschein schreiben?

Hey Leute

Meine Mutter hat am 22 Februar Geburstag und ich wollte ihr so Gutscheine selbst machen. Die Kärtchen an sich hab ich schon, aber mir fällt nix ein was ich reinschreiben kann. Habt ihr Idden?

LG und danke im Vorraus


PS: Meine Mum wird 39.

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2 years ago

I find such self-made vouchers somehow half-hearted

But here still some ideas:

  • (Number) Clean house
  • (Number) Car wash
  • (Number) Breakfast to bed
  • (number) Dust sucking
  • (Number) make bathroom clean

I believe that support in the household is most welcome to Mamas (:

Or make her a self-made voucher and invite her to the cinema

2 years ago

I had to laugh briefly when I read it, when the child was always the gift number one, but actually you just gave it away because you were to Faul for something else. Give her something nice that no voucher is or should have a value. Do something that shows your good gesture.

2 years ago
Reply to  nalasophie1201

Bracelets or something you could make, made out of these little rubber rings keychains for half my family. But don’t know what they’re talking about, they were really trendy.

2 years ago

Loom bands! That’s what they called.

2 years ago

Evtl. Make breakfast or walk together, go to the cinema… definitely spend time together 😉

2 years ago


Clean up

Table cloths

Common picnic

Dust sucking

Invitation for an ice cream


Go shopping for them

And now all twice

2 years ago

write what would not fall too hard for you because it doesn’t take advantage of nix if you write that you refurbished the apartment