Was in euer Kindheit war euer Lieblingsspielzeug?
Oder wenn es eben etwas mehrteiliges ist wie Puzzle oder Lego, geht das natürlich auch.
Oder wenn es eben etwas mehrteiliges ist wie Puzzle oder Lego, geht das natürlich auch.
Seid ihr mit euren Kindern schon am Backen für Weihnachten oder habt ihr es bereits. Macht es Freude mit den Kindern vorzubereiten.
Die Schrauben sind schief ich weiß nicht ob. Das rein geht schwer
Hi ich wollte fragen ob es seltsam wer so eine Tasche als Schultornister sozusagen zu nutzen.
Hi ich gehe bald zu einem Adele Konzert. Ich habe fos Karten. Nun sehe ich vermehrt auf tik tok das alle mit den 35 Euro Tickets auch dort stehen. Ich gönne es den Menschen aber ich sehe es nicht ein das ich 360 Euro pro Karte zahle für einen vielleicht noch schlechteren Ausblick. Habt ihr…
Hallo,Ich bin 13 und meine Eltern sind toxisch.Wie ich das festgestellt habe?Ich bin seit längerem schon sehr depressiv was an meinen Eltern liegt,da sie mich ständig runter machen,wegen meiner Noten(2er,1er,3er),meines Aussehens und meines Verhaltens.Ich habe mir schon ein paar Videos und Webseiten durchgelesen und alles trifft auf meine Eltern zu.Sie hatten mich früher geschlagen,aber als…
Wenn beide Eltern braune Augen haben aber das Kind blaue … stimmt doch was nicht oder kann das auch über Generationen vererbt werden ?
My large metal kit, with which I have played for many years and constructed everything possible according to original or imagination. It was bitterly disappointed at the beginning, so I would have liked a model railway.
Lego unambiguous and Playmobil before and also Duplo
My dollhouse was my absolute favorite toy. Unfortunately, unfortunately, in my childhood it was so that the doll house suddenly reappeared at Christmas, maybe with new dolls or with a new carnival swing.
But shortly after Christmas it was again dreamed of the attic until the next Christmas festival.
I am sometimes secretly went up. I had to keep quiet because my mommy lived right down there and heard my tapsen. In the attic I was playing secretly with my dollhouse.
Up there was the merchant shop and the swinging horse.
That was it. 😢
I loved playing with Barbie dolls, crocheting them clothes, frying their hair.
There was Tutti, she could move arms and legs, I liked them most.
Tutti- Ebay classifieds
I liked Lego, and I liked Lego.
Then I had my Teddy Friedel, who accompanied me everywhere.
And we always played father, mother child in the yard, with cooking, baking what is always totally beautiful.
Rubbertwist has been fun playing with marbles.
The love of Friedel…
I still love the man for life 😄
if I didn’t read (when I learned to read), I played outside. Oder with my friend, he had a great metal construction kit, bridges built.
But mostly I was out. I also drove a lot with the bike and imagined the bike was a horse. Too bad if I had been born 40 years later, I might have become a cyclist, but at my time it was still a pure boy sport
I was actually as good as just outside as a kid, with my dog, my friends and a pocket knife, then I always played army in the forest 🙈
Inside it were Lego and my cuddly animals
When I was a kid, Lego was on the market. So I had very little. I’d rather have played with building blocks.
As a child, I liked to play with my doctor’s set and pretended my teddy bear was my patient.
Apart from the playstation and the Gameboy Advance SP, it was mainly Lego.
First Nintendo console also Lego earlier heap space stuff had
I had a series of matchbox cars, so I played a lot. And an actipn figure from the flee market, no idea where they belonged, I also had my joy with it for a long time. Addendum: I had a football too.^^
My little fabric monkey – unfortunately I have no more…😢
Oh, no!
how sad🐵
I was a loving fabric animal mom and I always carried my plush friends around with me. 🥰
Tamagotchi or polly pocket
My cuddly animal
At that time my BMX wheel.
I liked to play with dolls, stuffed animals and Lego.
My bike and my rubber twist.
We were out in nature as children and played with all sorts of things we found. Often we played ball or hiding. :-