Was in Briefsendung per Einschreiben?
meine Mitbewohnerin hat heute eine DHL Sendung für mich nicht annehmen dürfen weil meine Unterschrift dafür benötigt wird.
Auf dem Abholzettel steht was von „1 Briefsendung Einschr. Eigenh.“
Ich habe keine Ahnung was das bedeuten soll und noch weniger was da drin sein könnte.
Hat jemand Ahnung was da drin sein könnte?
Liebe Grüße
That’s a letter that the recipient gets handed out for signature only.
Can be anything.
Employers and others like to send notices.
You don’t know until you take it.
This means that only you are allowed to accept the perseverance, or someone you specifically authorise in writing to accept self-handed shipments.
Of course, only the sender knows the content.
German Post: “In the case of the additional service, the delivery takes place by hand only to the recipient or his particularly authorized person. If the delivery is not possible, the recipient is notified; he can then pick up the show in the designated postal branch.” https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/en/einschreib/haeufige-frage.html
This means that the letter was sent by letter and may only be accepted by you!
Now you have to pick him up from the post office on the notification card.
What’s in it? No one can look bright.
He’s a member now.
Open it.
No, what you mean is formal delivery.https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/pza_postzustellungsorder/faq_postzustellungsorder.html
He’s been accepted.
Advertiser’s letters come, for example, by writing-in and are officially delivered only if it is in the mailbox.
She says:
He hasn’t been handed out, so she can’t open him either.
Reading is real.
It is also possible to interpret it so that her friend has accepted it even though she was not allowed to accept it.
I guess I got that wrong.
The answer and other comment is wrong and total stupid!
your spelling and distinction from the(s) is total nonsense