Was hört ihr für Musik und wie fühlt ihr euch dabei?
Ja also gerne mit alter w oder m und wieso ihr den Künstler oder Musik Genre gerne hört dankii
Ja also gerne mit alter w oder m und wieso ihr den Künstler oder Musik Genre gerne hört dankii
Alle Musikstars der neuen Generation und alle mega erfolgreich – aber wer ist eurer Meinung nach generell die Beste? (also gesangstechnisch, performancemäßig, Songs an sich etc. alles mit einberechnet) Meine Meinung: Tate
Kommt es nur mir so vor oder gibt es heute gefühlt echt keine Punks mehr? Die Punks die man sieht sind dann schon älter. Klar es gibt jetzt neue Jugendbewegung aber wenn nicht jetzt wann sonst passen Dinge wie no futue und Kampf gegen Kommerz.
Moin, ich spreche wirklich von dem, das ihr jetzt gerade hört. Dementsprechend brauche ich auch nur Antworten von Leuten die gerade Musik hören 🙂 Wenn euer Stil nicht dabei ist, schreibt ihn gerne dazu!
Servus, jeder von unserer Klasse soll für unsere Maturazeitung ein Albumcover für seine Seite darin auswählen wo wir nachstellen sollten … habt ihr irgendwelche ,,krassen“ Albumcovers welche ich für mich auswählen könnte..hab aktuell gerade gar keinen Plan. Danke!
Hallo, Ich finde viele seiner Texte(Rap ganz gut&richtig cool!) Am besten finde ich “Mitfrei in mein Kopf!” Welcher Song von ihn findet ihr richtig gut&welcher geht gar nicht?! Ich z.b finde den mit $hoki gar nicht gut🫣👎.
Wie findet ihr den Song Fortnight? Und warum war der Song im Gegensatz zu ihren anderen Songs ein Flop?( verglichen mit Cruel Summer oder Anti Hero)
I (W old I say nd) like K-pop my fav K-pop groups are BTS,Straykids,Itzy,BLɅϽKPIИK,Enhypen,Kiss of life,Babymonster,Illit and Le ssefarim
I also hear Isabel larosa, Olivia rodrigo and Odetari
My fav songs are Crazy and 1-800-hot-n-fun by Le ssefarim Keep up by Odetari I like it by Straykids and Heart attack by demi Lovato
I hear a lot. I prefer to listen to rock in very many kinds of games, such as Progressive Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, Medieval Rock, … I like pop (mainly 60s to 80s), Metal, Folk, Classical and Blues. It is also important to mention that I do not let myself be conquered by the genres. So I find some songs I like, even though I don’t like the genre.
I hear a lot of artists and bands. If I’d tell them all, I’ll still be here tomorrow. I also have my favorite artists and bands and I can tell them:
I like music very much, even when I was a kid. You can discover a lot and find new things again and again, even if you already know a lot. That’s what inspired me. I also listen to music to relax, get a good mood, have fun, hide the world around me, or just get the time out faster. And when I was sad (e.g. when my grandma died), music also helped me.
Are the solo things recommended by Peter Gabriel? I only find the Genesis albums interesting with him. If you want to suggest a good album
Well, that’s a lot of taste. But I think it’s worth listening to his solo stuff. But suggesting a concrete album is difficult. I find the album “Peter Gabriel 3: Melt” best. Last year he also released the album “i/o”, which I like very much. I also like his album “So” with the most.
I hear everything possible, am M14
Music is my life. Depending on the music, I am emotionally or simply relaxed. I just couldn’t imagine a life without music. It’s part of my life. And why I hear such music… My father has shaped my music selection very much. He used to play everything possible. That’s why I hear 80/90s, Hip Hop, Rock n Roll and so. You just need to play the first few seconds of a song by Billie Holliday and I know it is. My other music page has shaped my aunt, it is DJ and accordingly listens to such music as Electro, Techno etc. I also want to become DJ because of this…😁
Lol I just remembered that the answer was lacking in structure. No
I hear music from habit. This started with the first Stones songs my 10 years older brother bought. I can’t really explain why I like music. This is also a very good question you ask.
In addition to rock music, I like to listen to pop music, jazz and ambient.
However, Ambient (formerly called it Electronic Music) is completely different. If I hear a certain ambient number, I’ll get into a kind of trance. The feeling of time is completely gone. It is also impossible to get up simply to turn off the music in the middle. You are then hypnotized and you have to hear the piece at the end. This is how I find this number:
BERND KISTMACHER – “Beauty Lights”
I, m15, listen as well as American music, underground, new wave rap, trap, rage etc
ken carson, destroy lonely, che, future, osamason and much more
I love music about everything without that I could not live, Inspired the music and deal with it
no matter what situation I feel bad or whether I feel good music makes everything even better.
w music taste
I listen to m13 mostly Metal( So Nu Metal, Deathcore, Blackmetal, Heavy Metal, Death Metal etc.) sometimes but also Punk and rarely Hip Hop.
The music helps me to hide everything around me if it doesn’t work so well
I hear a lot of rap from the 90s and 2000s 😊 Ka as I feel about it because I just like it 😄
My favorite song at the moment is from Eminem
I like to listen to songs that bring me back to the old times, where not every song talks about drugs and weapons. The song down here is such a song.
Metal, Punkrock, Deutschrock and what exists about it. As bands:
In songs:
Twenty One Pilots is my favorite boy, I hear most of them. Other mainly Metal, Rock, Indie
Progressive rock
Hard rock
Blues Rock
Stoner Rock
Progressive Metal