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I just hear what I like and don’t judge myself by genres. If I like a song, I don’t care about the genre. However, it is so that I like Rock most and I have many favorite artists.
Here are some of my favorite bands:
I almost hear Kpop, as Kpop contains many other genres and I listen to a variety of genres. If then mammalously pop
Among others:
Example: Billy Idol – Eyes Without A Face
Helen Kane – I Want To Be Bad
Brahms – Piano Trio Nr. 2
Psytrance (‘Goa’), ChillOut to Ambient, newer House, TripHop, Rock, Crossover, Reggae, Hippiemucke
Mostly alternative or indie
More less rock or heavy metal
Classical (Romantics, Classic), Pop, Juice WRLD, Schlager, Folk Music and a bit of rock. Sometimes Rap.
My music preferences range from normal pop, progressive rock, jazz-containing, ambient, Krautrock to really sick music.
The band AMON DÜL I, which developed out of a Munich Commune and, for unexplainable reasons, actually meets with their “music” people who find favors. Everything is possible in the music!
(Alternative/Experimental) Rap, Pop, Jazz, Rock, Metal, House…
Hab kpop heard, but still rarely is brut in German music phase so babybrain and so
Pretty much everything except Schlager and Heavy Metal
Folk music isn’t it? How do they like the song of Heino: The Polish girl.
Not like that xD
What are you listening to?
A certain direction is not there.
At the moment, however, what changes more often, I don’t keep going when, for example, this is:
(Symphonic)-Metal, Female vocal trance
At the moment I hear a lot of Tom MacDonald 😊
I’m accustomed to being the only one in my age group that listens to such things but I like it
listen to me
Rock’n roll. Oldies, Schlager, Musical
Mostly HipHop and American Rap
Be very big Kanye West fan and listen to his music actually in continuous loop
But of course also legends like MF DOOM, Travis, JayZ, Kendrick etc.
Hits, classical music, folk music, jazz, rock and pop.
Mostly involuntarily screaming from my neighbor
Punk rock