Was hilft gegen PMS?
Ich habe jeden Monat das selbe Problem. Schlaflose und schweißgebadete Nächte, Herzrasen und kreisende Gedanken, sodass ich Nachts bis mindestens 4 Uhr wach liege… das belastet mich im Alltag sehr. Ich habe lange gedacht, dass es an meiner Psyche liegt.
Nachdem ich angefangen habe meinen Körper und meinen Zyklus zu beobachten, ist mir aufgefallen, dass die genannten Symptome nur etwa 3 – 4 Tage vor meiner Periode auftreten. Meine Gynäkologin meinte, dass es sich um PMS handelt.
Nun möchte ich hier fragen, ob jemand weiß, wie ich dem entgegenwirken kann? Ich würde mich am liebsten ein Mal im Monat krankmelden… weil es mir meine letzte Energie raubt und ich langsam am verzweifeln bin….
Here is a lot put together, which is really effective and helps many girls and women with PMS.
Good improvement for you.
The interplay of estrogen and progesterone is noticeable by painful breasts, sleepless and sweaty nights, heartaches and circular thoughts, also sleeplessness is a symptom.
It is the premenstrual syndrome.
Watch what you eat!
So coffee can strengthen your complaints or the consumption of foods that contain a lot of protein or fat or are strongly salted.
There are some ways to get your chest pain and PMS under control before the period. So you can handle your everyday life easier.
We probably don’t tell you anything new when we tell you that your diet is crucial to your health. Especially on the days before and during your period, you should take care of what you eat. Foods rich in vitamin E and B6 are then especially good for you. They help to reduce the normal pain. Vitamin E is contained in almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts, in wheat germ, nut, rape or olive oil. Bananas, Shiitake and sesame seeds are rich in vitamin B6. Alternatively, you can absorb the vitamins via dietary supplements.
During this period of the month you can also do well to consume soy products. Soy acts stabilising on your hormone balance. On the other hand, you should avoid food that contains a lot of fat or salt as much as possible. They ensure that water is stored in your body, which in turn favors painful breasts before the period.
Renounce caffeine!
If you want to alleviate your chest pain, you shouldn’t drink coffee. Caffeine narrows your blood vessels, which can significantly strengthen certain PMS factors. So if you want to have less chest pain before the period, it is advisable to make a big bow to coffee.
I use the happy days https://www.chammi.eu/
But also in the 2nd cycle half coffee and sugar reduce or dispense zb
Could try it with sleeping pills.
Diphenhydramine works fine with me.
Thank you. Are they free or on prescription?
If you take it, take the best 2-3h before bed. Then you don’t have such a rough hangover. If 50mg doesn’t help, you can also try it with 100. There I was definitely k.o.
Vivinox sleeping pills are the ones I buy.
Which manufacturer do you buy the tablets?
Thank you!