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8 months ago

There are unfortunately zig causes for headache.

Therefore, you should ask the first question before the second.

This is: If you find the cause medically, you will receive the advice for your question for free.

8 months ago

Headaches can have many causes, and the most effective measures often depend on the type and cause of headache. Here are some general tips that can help relieve headaches:

  1. Hydration: Drink enough water. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches.
  2. Rest and sleep: Ensure enough sleep and rest. Lack of sleep can increase headaches.
  3. Relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga can help reduce stress that can cause headaches.
  4. Caffeine: In small amounts, caffeine can help relieve headaches. However, too much caffeine or sudden withdrawal of caffeine can cause headaches.
  5. Medicines: Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin can help. Note the recommended dosage and consulate a doctor if you regularly take medications against headaches.
  6. Massage: A gentle massage of the neck and the temples can dissolve tensions and relieve pain.
  7. Cool or hot compresses: Put a cold or warm compress on the forehead or neck.
  8. Nutrition: Pay attention to regular meals and avoid food that can cause headaches (e.g. chocolate, alcohol, mature cheese).
  9. Reduce screen time: Longer staring on screens can cause eye stress and headaches. Take regular breaks.
  10. Movement: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and promote general health, which can prevent headaches.

If your headaches are common, very strong or unusual, you should consult a doctor to exclude serious causes and find a suitable treatment.

8 months ago

Finding and eliminating cause is the best remedy.

8 months ago

Drink water

Drinking coffee with lemon

Drinking salty

8 months ago

Sleep and drink!

8 months ago

This depends on the cause of headaches.