Was hilft gegen die Schmerzen während der Periode?
Ich habe momentan sehr starke Schmerzen Während meiner Periode Könnt ihr mir ein paar Tipps geben wodurch es mit den Schmerzen besser wird(vielleicht habt ihr ja auch diese Probleme)
Ich habe momentan sehr starke Schmerzen Während meiner Periode Könnt ihr mir ein paar Tipps geben wodurch es mit den Schmerzen besser wird(vielleicht habt ihr ja auch diese Probleme)
Hallo ich habe 6 Monate an einer sehr starken Magersucht gelitten. Da war ich 12 Jahre alt habe meine Periode 2 mal bekommen dann nicht mehr wegen der Magersucht . Ich war stark im Untergewicht.. Jetzt bin ich 13 Jahre alt esse 1 Jahr oder eher ich bin 1 Jahr in recovery. Bin schon 7…
Hallo, Ich habe eine Frage zu einem Medikament, bitte nur antworten, wenn ihr euch damit auskennt/es selbst genommen habt. Das Medikament heißt BREVACTID und ist ein Eisprung auslösendes Medikament. Im Internet steht, dass da humanes Hcg (Schwangerschaftshormon) enthalten ist. Stimmt das? Da steht was mit”Hormon, dass aus dem Urin schwangerer entkommen wurde”. Heißt das, dass…
Frage ist im Titel danke für eure Antworten 🙂
Mitschülerin erzählt extra etwas rum? Eine Mitschülerin aus meiner Klasse hat heute ihrer Freundin etwas erzählt, das mit mir zu tun hatte. Es ist ein Grund, den ich nicht erzählen möchte. Es hatte auf jeden Fall etwas mit mir zu tun, das kann ich euch sagen. Sie hat heute ihrer Freundin, wie bereits erwähnt, etwas…
I can give you a list of what’s all about the pain.
Here are some positions you could enter:
I personally use cade cycle at cramps (https://www.kadefemina.de/produkte/kadecycle/kadecycle-kraempfen/) and the TENS device.
I highly recommend the Tens device from Beurer. This is a device that loosens the muscles with hardly noticeable current impulses and thus relieves control pain. You can hardly feel anything but it helps enormously, the Tens device from Beurer can also generate heat and thus additionally relieve the pain.
You should go to a gynecologist and let the severe pain be cleared. From a certain degree it is no longer normal.
Here is another website that might be interesting:
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Many help to take supplements, especially a mineral complex and. Omega 3. Heat, light movement, calm. Good improvement!
In principle, I use magnesium (so throughout, also outside the menstruation), and if necessary Ibuprofen.
Buscopan can (additionally) also help, and possibly there are other special pain media (frag mal in the pharmacy). Paracetamol is also a common painkiller.
Helpful can also be a gang to the female doctor / doctor. Sometimes there is an organic problem.
Many women help warmth, but I don’t agree. Also light movement / light sport can be decruffing.
welcome here.
The others have already given good advice.
What else would be to be added, you should be more interested in natural medicine, would be sheepskin tea. Tastes comfortable and should always be freshly prepared and “joyed”, perhaps helpful, LG. 🙂
There will probably be nothing other than pain pills. Ask your family doctor what means are best for you. Recipe-free are available for example ibuprofen 400 but I would only take this after consultation with the doctor or pharmacist. If you take other medicines, let yourself be advised if such a painkiller is okay or not.
Hello recommend to go to the female doctor, pain is not normal.
So my doctor says it’s normal. I see it like you!
have seen a report in the TV, since it was called the cause, on the Internet can also find the cause, then so that your female physician confront it, fight for what she does, once made with blood pressure tablets, the first had strong side effects, cough. has it triggered, then I told him that I would like others and will not take them anymore, then I got others, have still fought with the side effects, 3-4 years later, from the lung doctor I got as now, slowly it gets better
Thank you.
Yes, thank you, I wish you good luck with the new female doctor.
Fight! But not with that. I’ve changed now and I’m looking forward to the new ones! However, they have been very on pills and drugs and I would like to know the cause to act. I don’t swallow anything if I don’t know what exactly phase is. Oha – there you have something through – good improvement to you!
So I’m a boy and I don’t know a period, but I don’t even have stomach pain and if I’m sick I’m taking a hot bath with spruce pine oil that’s very good and a hot tea cameille tea and pain tablets like Buscopan, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol that helps really
So I’m rarely sick but if I’m really sick with headaches and abdominal pain then I do this and go to bed and sleep over it and the pain is then really over again
Try it with a heat bottle, always help me.Many greetings
Dolormin for women or Buscopan Plus, drink a heat bottle or a cherry kernel cushion and women’s coat tea
I helped a painkiller and a heat bottle