Was hilft bei Hamster verletzung?

Hallo! Mein Hamster hat einer Rote Stelle am Bein und ich wollte fragen ob er irgendwas gibt was man da drauf machen könnte sodass es schnell heilt… das Bein ist auch wärmer als die anderen… vielen Dank im vorraus!

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3 years ago

Please go with this Veterinary with specialist hamster or drive to a Animal hospital.

Especially hamsters do not show it well or often that they have pain and if, then it is already too late or very bad.

With ointment or self-testing, you won’t come any further. Especially as a red spot that gets warm speaks for something serious.

3 years ago

Go with him to the vet.

Without medical knowledge, you don’t experiment with an animal. Even if it is “just” a hamster, it is still a living entity.

3 years ago


Yesclear there is something the veterinarian certainly has something to help your dwarf

3 years ago

This can only answer you a veterinarian, warming speaks for inflammation, and there you come with cream not far…

3 years ago


You should definitely visit a vet and have your hamster examined there.

You can also see if there are sharp edges of shells or the like in the cage, and whether your hamster has hurt.

You can empty the cage a little bit until you drive to the doctor.

But don’t take anything on your own, it can hurt the animal more than it’s good…


3 years ago

The best help is with the vet.