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Para que, sin que, antes de que?
Hallöchen, wir schreiben eine Spanisch Arbeit und dieses Grammatik Thema kommt dran. Kann es mir jemand erklären, was genau das ist? Also was genau „para que“, „sin que“ und „antes de que“ ist, was es auf deutsch bedeutet und wie man es anwendet. Vielen Dank schonmal
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It can mean “How’s it going?” or “What’s going on?” or it can just be a welcome, where you can also answer with “What’s going on?”.
The means “What’s up to date about your life and how are you?”
That means, “How are you, or what are you doing?” 🤗😊
LG Maike
Someone wants to know what’s going on? What do you do?
most often one answers: “not much” or “just chilling”
in the world
That means “What’s going on?”
WG means too much as how you are
What’s up, what’s up?…
A mixture of “how you do” and “what’s going on with you”
The question “What is going?” is to be assigned to the youth language. It is usually used as a call entry. The question does not aim at a particular matter, but leaves scope for interpretation. As a rule, however, your counterpart wants to find out how you are or whether there is something new. Repet-man- auf-was-gang-ideen-und-tipps_150572#:~:text=%20Frage%20%22What%20 is%3F%22%20is%20youth language%20.
In Spanish: ¿como estas?
On Ami
…watchin’ the game…havin’ a bud!
What you need to answer
“What’s up?” means: “Hello, how are you, how are you healthy, what are you going to do today, do you have an idea what we can do today?”
Very simple question. He wants to know what’s going on