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4 years ago

A trader must give warranty. It cannot effectively exclude them when selling to individuals.

If the dealer has now paid any 1000€ card with 300,000 kilometers of dueness, he has three options:

  • he invests more time and work than the thing will ever be worth so that it will certainly last a year
  • he proposes a few thousand euros on the sales price, expecting that the customer will definitely find something and complain
  • it offers it for export and can thus pass it on to a realistic price without taking the risk that it has behind it tens of complaints and processes on the neck, because the head seal is used for the 300,000-kim car on the drive home.
4 years ago

No sale to individuals – a warranty claim can be ruled out for a B2B sale. In the case of a B2C sale, however, not.

The seller does not want to take warranty – probably the vehicle has too many defects.

4 years ago

We had that too. Cars are sold to retailers without warranty as fleet vehicles in 10 packs or more

There was actually a beautiful Volvo with automatic with the same note

Dealers don’t want to take over warranty liability

4 years ago

No sale to individuals. If you know someone with a commercial license, you could ask him to buy the card for you and then sell it to you.

4 years ago

Selling only to people who have a company or are self-employed, and only abroad .

4 years ago

No sale to individuals.

4 years ago

Not to individuals.

4 years ago

the seller thereby wants to circumvent the statutory warranty, you should leave your finger.