Was heißt regelmäßige Teilnahmepflicht?
Ich muss “regelmäßig” eine Vorlesung besuchen um eine Prüfung zu bestehen. Die ist aber mega dolle doof und echt langweilig.
Ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll …
Was heißt denn jetzt regelmäßig?
Echt froh über eure Hilfe, Danke!!!
It’s exactly inside the study order. Depends on the lecture and the subject area, the lecturer can give you more information. Usually it’s like “max. x-mal missing”
Somewhere this will be defined. For example, in such a way that absences are to be apologised by a medical certificate or that at least 80% of the dates must be visited throughout the semester. This question can certainly be answered by the lecturer.
Visit the lecture, what else? It is now not a great art to sit down and a half hours so that you have been there. You can do that.
Regular = always when it takes place. Individual exceptions are possible.
Studying and problems with the German language? What is your definition of “regular” that you have problems with it? It means roughly always with somewhere defined exceptions. In addition, I guess that to pass the exam is not enough to be physically present. What do I know?
Normally, as long as you are not ill or otherwise excused, you have to be present.
Is it going to be tested, so a attendance list is running?