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Don Julio y Doña Clara (= Mr. Julius and Mrs. Clara) is a respectful address of persons with high social status. Also worthy elderly people, family leaders and clergy can be addressed. There is no German equivalent to this address.
Similarly, the imminent address of “Green Lord” and “Green Woman” would be similar, but the latter is seen today in Germany rather than veils of older men towards women (or both as cat-balls of subordinates). In addition, these speeches are never associated with the name of the person concerned. In Spanish, Don and Doña, as far as I know, have no negative taste. You don’t make fun of the people.
But, of course, there are expressions that have nothing to do with respect and honour:
In your e-mail, Don Julio is probably meant to be rather scary. The hearts at the Smiley show that. Maybe it’s a play on Don Juan, the women’s heroes (or something more friendly: on Don Juan, the charmer.)
She sent me a wife. I’m one too.
I don’t know. You have to ask her.
This would be called “Sir Julius”. In German there is no match for don. It’s an honorable address.
What do you mean, Don Julio?
That is ‘Mr Julio’ (german: Julius)
Mr Julio (Julius)
Mr. July.
Why not? At least in German there are the names of all seasons also as family names, Ms. May, Karl May, Mr. March/Merz there are also, the same Lord or Ms. August/Augustin similar, but with other emphasis than the month August. Why shouldn’t there be someone with the family name July (or in Spanish just Julio)? Nothing’s inconvenient.