Was heißt das?
Guten Tag, ich habe dieses Schreiben bekommen vom Jobcenter aber ich versteh das nicht da sind noch verschiedene Unterlagen mit irgendwelche zahlen und so weiter und ein Fragebogen. Was heißt das jetzt? Was muss ich machen was passiert wenn ich nichts mache? Danke im Voraus.
If you don’t want to do this, you will decide after the deadline after the file has expired and that could be more negative for you.
You can’t say what you might have to reimburse to the job center or if you would be charged with running services.
For this, one would have to know the exact circumstances and know what the job center has paid for this period and what would have actually been available to you.
If there has actually been an overpayment by injustice, you will have to reimburse it to the job centre or you will be charged with ongoing services.
That would be communicated to you by written notice.
There is a questionnaire to fill in. Otherwise, it can happen that you don’t get social assistance anymore, and you have to refund too much paid.
Or it will be charged if you continue to be entitled to social assistance.
So fill out the questionnaire and the accompanying questionnaire.
Apparently, you didn’t report to the job center that your child, for whom you got money, has withdrawn and you are no longer entitled to reference.
You got too much money for a child, what’s gone. You always have to report changes to the job center. The too much paid money for the child is recovered accordingly. If you ignore this, it can be cuts. You could also be subject to social fraud if you knowingly did not report the extract to the JC.
If you’re overwhelmed with it, there are counselling points that can help you. Google for “Diacony Your Place” and see if this advice is available for unemployed people. Caritas also has such facilities. Or google after “Beratung Unemployed Your Place”.
You can also contact the job center directly if you can’t understand or don’t understand. The JC must be able to explain this to you. For this, the specialist and service employees have.
How much do I have to pay? There is Nix on the other documents are so many sums but there is no exact sum as many I should pay
How should I know? You just set the first page.
Hearing of overpayment
apparently due to a non-shown extract from an apartment
I can only read
You seem to have received too much money and will be heard before the recovery order
How much do I have to pay? There is Nix on the other documents are so many sums but there is no exact sum as many I should pay
Someone has moved out of your apartment, which has paid too much civil money.
To do this, you should express yourself in writing.
How much do I have to pay? There is Nix on the other documents are so many sums but there is no exact sum as many I should pay
You’ll be told.
Apparently, your child has moved out of the common apartment. What is no longer a community of needs. You’re obviously telling income. Here you should be clarified if you are still needy or not.
You got too much money for the child.
Hello, this is a standard note with the online questionnaire. If you don’t do this, you’re gonna cut money. I’m sorry.
Money is cut because the child is apparently pulled out of the apartment. There is thus less claim. And this is to be expressed. It’s a good idea.