Was heisst ein Satz bei Felgenstickern bei Motorrädern?
Wollte bei Amazon Felgesticker für meine MT-07 bestellen, verstehe aber nicht was ein Satz genau ist. Ist das für vorne hinten? Für beide seiten der Felgen?
Hier noch ein Bild vom Angebot:
This is not clear from the description. In your position, I would therefore look at a German provider, and then the quality is also true.
Very recommended is 4moto and the stickers of Wheelskinzz:
https://www.4moto-shop.de/Wheelskinzz rim decorations-Wheelsticker rim sticker-Wheeldecal-Raceline/Wheelskinzz-wheelsticker-Raceline-Yamaha/
A mate had them always on his bikes and they keep bombing, do not tear in and fade.
With Wheelskinzz directly you can also design the stickers yourself:
Would appreciate both reading the reviews or flying over everything under it.