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If then one of them does not diver
It would come to a subsequent abortion😂
I’d like to have three kids. It would be nice to have a boy and a girl to meet both. But if not, it’s not bad either.
You can’t choose the sex anyway.
But I’d like a girl.
For boys, I find the naming a little difficult.
I don’t know if I can get kids at some point (because of endometriosis) or it wants. But if I decide to put children on the world at some point, then I can’t influence the child’s sex anyway. I think both sexes have their advantages and disadvantages and the character of each child is different. I’d just say I don’t want to have over two kids and the sex doesn’t matter.
Actually, I wish a girl. But of course, health is the highest priority.
Can’t answer. I really don’t care about the sex, the main thing is the child is healthy. :3
I’m still 13^
Both as long as no divers get out.
And why is it badly diversified
Because other mammals are not divers
Hmm still no argument against why it’s bad.
I don’t want children 🙂