Was hat mein Traum zubedeuten?


Ich habe geträumt das mein Haus brennt und alle versuchen sich in Schutz zu nehmen als der Feuer ,, fertig,, war hatte ich nur noch ein fremdes Baby in der Hand und bin zu meiner Mutter gegangen ich hatte Angst und war sehr traurig das die hälfte meiner Familie nicht mehr wieder kam kann mir einer helfen?

PS: sorry das für meine Rechtschreibung bin gerade aufgewacht und hatte Angst

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1 year ago

A building wrapped in fire is not a pleasant sight. Such a dream can be considered a nightmare. Psychologists see positive aspects in the fire: With the help of fire, a person destroys the barrier that hinders the solution of an urgent problem.

Dream interpretations give interpretations depending on the nuances of an event in a dream. If you dream of how the house burns, it can mean a loss or happiness, a dispute or a change in life, you just have to remember the details of the dream and find interpretations in the dream book.

1 year ago

I don’t think dreams are important. Similar to horoscopes that are comicly always so accurate, just because people just know exactly what they need to write to meet everyone there. Dream interpretation is not real. Your dreams are created by your own brain, often from memories and more often from the things that have occupied you recently. That’s why people who look at a racing movie are more often dreaming about cars and car races than those who don’t.

1 year ago

Nothing. Dreams are processing experiences. No predictions.

1 year ago

It’s just a dream. It doesn’t matter. Lg

1 year ago

I do not believe that dreams have something to mean, but look for themselves http://import.com/