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4 years ago


that’s Kot. As he knows, it indicates that the fish is sick, most likely has problems with the intestine …

It also makes its entire appearance close, because it looks “crude”, it clamps the fins, ….

What is ultimately the cause of such a disease and which, usually bacterial infection, it is not possible to find out.

But you can do very little. However, it is important in advance to keep the germ and bacteria density in the water as low as possible as possible by means of a really good water hygiene, i.e. regular sufficiently large partial water change, not excessively strong treatment.

By the way, your plants lack a massive divalent iron… only as a tip on the edge.

4 years ago

With my little goldfish I had a few years ago, I saw that too: it’s the cot that’s still falling off. Some fish are fast, others are slow.

4 years ago

The fish has spine and fin clamp. That depends on the after is white cake which accepts this color by malnutrition. So your fish has three diseases at once (comliment ) Please take care of the aquarium. What fish do you have?

4 years ago
Reply to  moritz0107

With which mind?

4 years ago
Reply to  MeerlieAqua

Take a picture of your 7 basins that you allegedly have, but not again pictures from the Internet,behold your Ikeabox what you call an aquarium is even worse than that of the questioner.