What's wrong with my fish?


Yesterday I noticed that my female Electric Blue butterfly cichlid was breathing quickly, had reddened and protruding gills, wasn't eating, and was acting weak… Unfortunately, it's still like this today.

What could be wrong with her and, most importantly, how could I save her? 🙁

I changed the water yesterday, everyone else is fine.

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4 years ago

This is the usual, very short life of the beautiful South American butterfly barbeque!

Even if the sellers always tell it quite differently – they are extremely sensitive fish whose living conditions can hardly guarantee a Aquarian.

Since they live in nature in whole acidic water, in which hardly bacteria and germs survive, their immune system is hardly pronounced. Such genetic programming cannot also be altered by breeding and/or reconciliation.

In addition, they are grown in the large breeding plants in antibiotic water. Then come to the dealer and to the local aquarium, then you can watch them die in a few days or weeks.

You will not be able to help your fish and the partner. And please don’t come up with the idea of buying new partners again and again – even those will not survive.

These beautiful fish should be left with the dealer.

4 years ago

I’ve tried as well as it’s just going to research, and I’ve hit the following…

It can be that your fish suffers from gillworms, this infestation can be e.g. on roasted and swollen gravel.

( https://www.drta-archiv.de/kiemenwuermer/ )

It can of course be something else, maybe it still helps to save your fish…

4 years ago
Reply to  Beckfisch

To save the fish, the animal needs almost germ-free water with a low pH value, which is largely free from lime and optimally contains massive uric acids or antibiotics. He probably won’t get that and that’s why he’s dead.

4 years ago
Reply to  JayCeD

That’s a shame, of course, it was worth a try.

4 years ago
Reply to  Beckfisch

Ramirezis do not use any medication – these fish are always consecrated to death because they are extremely sensitive. They often live only a few days, with some luck several weeks – then they die.

4 years ago

It is a butterfly bass that have virtually no immune system and die in most living room basins quite quickly away from any infection.

So as far as everything is normal.