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If you want to start with the Bundeswehr, a cultivated appearance is recommended.
You can appear in normal clothes. You don’t need to wear a tie suit.
Fresh clothes and before showering should be of course.
Shaving? Christmas bart and long hair as a man should not come with;-)
For patterning you should have sportswear towel and a water bottle besides its substrates.
I think you can handle how you want. Main thing, fresh clothes. My son also wore beard and had T-shirt under it.
Depending on what the doctor wants to examine, you will also have to take off the undershirt – but this is really quick. Shaving? Why? I’ve never heard of that – but if that’s what I’m asking you to do.
Yeah, like a normal interview.
I always invited applicants with the addition, please come shaved. It’s unusual for a man to shave.
Huh? So for me as a man, it’s more common to shave me.
Yes, because among men there are indeed some “forldheinis” that shave is strange;-)
I should’ve been writing it. 😉
As has been written here: Carefully appear in clean clothes. Only when you are hired as a soldier is this:
You keep your underwear, even if you have to wait, where do you want to shave down? You don’t have to shave, only the face should be be beard free. Yes and freshly showered.
How long has that been? Beards may be worn.
depends on how long
Completely irrelevant for a pattern. The beard and hair release of the Bundeswehr is not yet valid.