Was hat man bei Schusswunden Ende des 19. Jhd. getan?
Was hat man gemacht, wenn jemand z.B. eine Schusswunde (nicht lebensbedrohlich, aber mit hohem Blutverlust)? Wie wurde sie desinfiziert und wie weiter versorgt?
Was hat man gemacht, wenn jemand z.B. eine Schusswunde (nicht lebensbedrohlich, aber mit hohem Blutverlust)? Wie wurde sie desinfiziert und wie weiter versorgt?
Hi, als ich nach draußen gegangen bin, hatte ich meinen Schlüssel in der Hand und habe ihn wie ein kleines Kind im Kreis geschwungen. Plötzlich ist er mir volle Kanne gegen meinen Zeigefinger geknallt und es tat sofort weh. Nun ca. eine Stunde später ist er am Gelenk etwas blau und da ist so ein…
Beim schweren Heben zB von Hanteln tun mir die Ellbogen weh. Ich habe nicht täglich trainiert, alle 3 Tage ca. Und nicht zu schwer, habe die empfohlenen Wiederholungen von 6-12 locker geschafft. Das ging ca 3 Wochen gut und seitdem dann Schmerzen. Kann ich das wieder in den Griff kriegen indem ich meine Arme täglich…
bitte Um Rat , habe keine Bauchweh oder schmerzen ,habe zwar immer Darmgeräusche hier und da mal aber sonst keine Beschwerden ,finde nur mein Stuhlgang immer sehr hell , also sehr helles braun , Teilweise mit unverdauten Gemüse, is das normal oder sollte ich zum Arzt ?
In the middle of the 19. Centuries have been done as much as I know operations to remove the ball. Unfortunately there was something like disinfection so most surgery ended with a blood poisoning. Shot injuries to extremities such as poor or legs there were : arm off or leg off.
Later they decided to let the bullet in and disinfect the wounds with carbol. That was against the end of the 19th century. The shooting powder has already been optimized so that the injuries were less bad. There was decided to leave the ball in the wound for good luck, so that the wound is self-suffering.
A spastia surgeon also thought to leave the wound open at this time and then simply sew it, which naturally proved to be a total failure.
So in summary you can say if you had luck then you were shot in the leg or in the arm and so survived. Otherwise you have died – either shortly after shot or a blood poisoning.
at the time, there were no medications, which was high because of a hit that you were dying. The wound was washed out at that time and held in place with a band or sealed with fire. Then a surgeon removed the bullet. But evil still comes, usually followed by a severe infection which follows with blood poisoning and then death.
These stories from the Middle Ages were at the end of the 19th century. 1890, no longer true
Of course, alcohol was also used as a disinfectant, but the problem is the same, the ball brings the infection with and that goes despite alcohol. Where would you not agree with me?
If as described the wound was sealed with fire, how could a surgeon subsequently remove the ball?
Obviously, a surgeon can reopen the wound. And of course you should not do such a thing, but in an emergency like in a war it can prolong your life
The fire is of course not what you do in general. But he didn’t call a scenario, and that’s why I wrote it in wars just like that, because surgeons don’t stand behind every corner
In 1890 it was certainly not made “with fire the open place dense” after which a “Chirurg removed the ball”.
Special wound toilet under antiseptic conditions (Karbol etc.)
But evil still comes, usually followed by a severe infection which follows with blood poisoning and then death.
No, she didn’t follow.