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2 years ago

The great so-called “Opioid Crisis”, the mass dependence of “normal citizens” was not triggered by criminal dealers, but by pharmaceutical corporations who have mixed their painkillers opioids without telling patients that they can be very quickly dependent.

If the patients get the painkillers no longer prescribed (missing health insurance!) for example due to unemployment, then they are going to the cheaper and easier available heroin because they were addicted. The corporations belong to the duty, not the death penalty.

So they get into the drug spiral without hope to escape. There are regions where there are so many children who grow up as orphans without parents because the parents died of an overdose or commit suicide.

However, capitalism’s loving owner, the Sackler family, the bankruptcy, separated from Purdue Pharma and now only suffers from the fact that it does not run so socially. Some museums remove the names of noble donor from the walls.

2 years ago
Reply to  stufix2000

Pharma Groups that have added opioids to their painkillers

That sounds like the bad pharmaceutical companies have literally changed the prescription of their drugs. It’s not like that.

without pointing to patients

Source? The Americans are usually extremely good. Of course no one reads the papers.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If you don’t already know the article:

2 years ago

It’s a bunch of dead people.