Was hat es damit auf sich (erstes Mal Sex)?
Wichtig: Er ist sehr attraktiv und hat es deutlich leichter an Frauen zu kommen als der “Durchschnitts”-Mann. Ist nicht beleidigend gemeint an Druchschnitts-Männer(!!!!!) sondern einfach nur wichtig um die Story beurteilen zu können.
Also hab wen kennen gelernt und wir beide fanden uns anziehend und mochten uns.
Er hat auch erfahren, dass ich davor noch nie Sex hatte.
Naja. Dann schreibt man auch und wir beide wollten gerne miteinander schlafen. Es gab dann von ihm einige gut platzierte Komplimente vor dem ersten Sex. Nicht sowas übertriebenes wie “Du bist die Schönste”, sondern mehr sowas wie “Dein Arsch turnt mich 100% an, ich liebe deinen Arsch.” und “Ich habe so unendlich Lust auf dich, ich kann es kaum abwarten dich wieder zu sehen.” Dann hat man das erste Mal Sex und ab da kommen so Aussagen gar nicht mehr. ABER er will sich trotzdem noch treffen und Sex haben. Würde es ihm also nicht gefallen, dann würde er ja zumindest keinen Sex mehr wollen?! Warum macht man sowas als Mann? Um es zu erklären: Es ist nicht so dass ich Komplimente brauche aber es verunsichert mich EXTREM !!! wenn man erst Komplimente macht und dann plötzlich nicht mehr. Hätte er von Anfang an nie so Komplimente gemacht wäre es was anderes. Aber warum macht man es erst und dann nicht mehr?! Ich sagte ihm zum Beispiel nach jedem Mal wie sehr es mir gefallen hat und von ihm kam immer nur sowas wie “Es freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.” oder “Warte ab, beim nächsten Mal wenn wir uns sehen wird es dir noch mehr gefallen.” Aber es kam nie sowas wie “Mir hat es auch gefallen” und auch gar kein “Ich habe so eine Lust auf dich” mehr… was davor ständig kam, also dass er seine Lust auf mich ausdrückte, seit dem ersten Mal nicht mehr.
Ich mache diese Frage in die Kategorie Psychologie weil ich schon denke dass es damit zu tun hat.
Your feeling is quite right, it belongs to this category. What you’re talking about is the typical image of an egoman, a fool. He finds himself irresistible and makes compliments until he has reached his goal, namely to see your horny Ametabolsch and to lay you flat. As far as he has reached this goal, he doesn’t need his compliments for you anymore, since you are surrendering to his avenances. So: Beware of such characters, unless you find the sex with him tingling and therefore want to continue with him. But there will be no real relationship with this guy.
You are easy to have and a good replacement for self-satisfaction.
It’s called cheap. In your case even so cheap it is free.
Huh? Why exactly am I cheap?! I was a virgin. And as I said he can have other women…. no one has to get to “cheap”. Because he has more chances than other men.
Sounded like you’d give yourself to the cosmopolitan.
In southern countries, even young people are taught, make girls compliments that are naive.
With you… excuse me
Who are you talking to?
Hello SlammerIV,
Would be cool if you could explain and document the circumstances in education or growing up in southern countries with regard to the so-called “clarify” of women.
Best regards
If you know your border, why not.
Yes had already given me to the dust that was right…
He did what he wanted. He probably meant he could get you around faster with compliments, and I don’t really think of it as a compliment like “the ass turns on me”. And that might have been meant to really raise IHN.
Now he doesn’t have to try anymore, as you even like it….
If you want to see the whole thing positively, you could still think that it was thought that women want to hear something like that, but the kind of compliments did not find good and leave it now because it is also without fun (even though it is).
I thank you for the answer, but I doubt it. Because he knew before the first sex that he liked me. I had compliments for him, too. Then he could have let these compliments be from the start…
Some men get on it when they can be the first. That could be a man of this category. As soon as he has reached his goal, his effort also decreases. The compliments make sure you don’t turn to anyone else.
his statements are so sexualized. Something like this: your eyes are really beautiful or you have a really great character? No? Then you’re probably just a simple girl for sex.
Does a woman really prefer
“You have a horny ass”
“I love you”
Apparently, yes. At sexting okay – but in everyday life in a relationship – no!
Thanks for the answer. Because you write that his compliments make sure that I don’t turn to anyone… before my first time, I actually felt he’s afraid I could sleep with someone else (not because of the compliments, but because of certain statements). He had also made compliments to my kind before, I didn’t mention it now. But still there’s nothing like that since my first time..
I even told him if he found sex so bad and whether it was only about the first time and he laughed and meant what I actually think of him and that he has no virgin fetish. That’s why I think it sounded honest. He’s already 30. So virgin fetish men are rather very young men I would have thought
There are also 70 years old who have paid thousands of euros to bang a virgin. Fetish has no age!
because of the unexisting virginity nix, you are especially more. So it’s less bad if there’s no other sex with you. The virginity can’t take him anymore.
the compliments were only there before the first time to either raise it or to keep you in the mood.
I have clear doubts as to whether he’s serious!
Objection: also in a relationship you can find the ass of a woman horny and also whisper it into your ear…