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3 years ago

Särgen’s dreams (and death) mean i.d. rule that something is to go to you (or has already ended internally). However, as the dreams repeat, it looks like you should separate from something that is overtaken and outdated or prevents you from developing, developing new possibilities or insights.

It is now up to you to open up to the new one and to lay down what is “dead” in you or something outer that brakes you, impedes or sucks you out.

more detailed you find it on

3 years ago

What it means individually for you can only you know yourself. Dreams have a meaning, but there is no general interpretation for dream symbols. It’s about what the coffin and the dream mean for you personally.

Are you afraid in these dreams? Is it about your death or the death of loved ones? Is it about the death of unloved people? Are you worried about beards and death in general? Have you ever seen Särge in the past?

If the dreams are negative, you can consider how to find a positive end. Could you plant some beautiful flowers in the coffin?

3 years ago

In dreams of things related to death, fears of loss often manifest.

However, even Siegmund Freud (a.k.a. known for his dream analyses) said: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!”

3 years ago

I don’t know how to interpret this, but I’d buy a little coffin sculpture and put it on my bedside table.

Who knows, maybe you can rest your subconscious.

3 years ago

Great future as a beast.

3 years ago

That you like beards.

3 years ago

That you think too much

3 years ago
