Was hast du zu Weihnachten erhalten? Und bist du damit zufrieden, wenn nein weshalb?

Würde mich sehr interessieren ^^. Ich hab z.B Kleider, Parfüm und ein paar neue Möbel geschenkt bekommen :)). Und du? – falls du nix erhalten hast, bitte ich dich nicht auf diese Frage zu antworten, danke.

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2 years ago

Actually, I didn’t want to, some of them said that they had to give me nix 🤷 ♀️. As they are, I have made flowers, some small (self-made) or chocolate get ðŸTM‚. From my parents a couple of dresses & a wellness voucher for the next year 🙈, from my dear siblings I have received beautiful drawings that are now hanging on the wall (the refrigerator has no more space 🙈), plus a few self-made 🥰💖. My stepbrother sent me, well, a little long of wood 🙄, should serve as a bottle opener (so a tumbler 😂🙈), from my partner I got something self-made of wood for the wall and also chocolate 🥰. But he thinks he still has something that I get only on 31, hmm 🤷 ♀️😄.

Our little mouse has got a lot that I can’t count 🙈 what I can say is again a few new plushs (don’t know where to go with all the stuff 😁😅) dresses, a few new shoes, light chains (she loves all that lights 🥰), a tread and a few other little things 🙃. I got a lot, though I wanted nix 😄🤷 ♀️. Of course, I took everything from my heart, except the long of wood, I passed on 😂.

2 years ago

We have abolished that with the “adults don’t give themselves”. Everybody’s looking forward to something.

This year, for example, there were funny slippers in stretching optics, books, a beautiful floor lamp, a board game, a hairdresser voucher, a silk scarf and wine/liqueur.

I like all my gifts and as I could observe, all the recipients have also been happy.

And if something doesn’t fit, you can usually exchange it easily. I’d never be insulted or something. Despite all the effort to find the perfect gift, it can always happen that something is double or maybe not that good.

After Christmas, I am always looking forward to Ebay and I am starting my favorite shower gels and brand lotions that would otherwise be too expensive at regular prices.

2 years ago

We have abolished the “big” back-and-forwarding shop long ago…. Nevertheless, I got a bottle of tasty chocolate from my husband and some self-made from the children; 1x Sirup, 1xPralinen.

The self-made of the children means more to me than the biggest and most expensive gift….

2 years ago

Something jewellery, a jewellery candle, two puzzles, something to craft Harry Potter, coupons, some bars, a box with tea and a teapot by Alice in Wonderland, a bag and a few little things:)

2 years ago

Copic Ciao Marker 36Set and Horizon Zero Dawn from my girlfriend.

I wanted to be happy.

2 years ago

A Schmartwatch

Ohrings and two bracelets

1 year ago

I got a highway vignette. I’m happy.

2 years ago

Money and a cookbook.