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hey 🙂 und wenn ja, wieso?
Keramikteller in backofen?
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My mother forced me to eat a mushroom pan at the time of 7 years, which was the most cruel thing she ever did to me I would have preferred to rip my stomach out of me
I just eat what I like
There was lentil stuff in the school feed.
I ate at the table and the cook came to the table and asked me if it tasted. I turned to him and put his cooking apron in a high beam. Meals.
Rose cabbage
Stinks very like dog jersey! 🙁 Unfortunately, because actually very delicious! But the smell!
Otherwise I am open to everything! Stand in the kitchen for over 30 years! Have already eaten spiders, locusts, maggots, fat, brains, testes and anything else…
No problem with that! But rose cabbage? No, thank you. Then you’d rather have an ant soup or pork fat dresses… babbles, frogs or something else!
From me from pigeons, snakes or lizards ♥… but please don’t have a cabbage!
Sweet Omelette 😖 once and never again
Silkworms. It wasn’t really disgusting, but the taste wasn’t my thing. Just like broccoli, you can hunt me too.
Vineyard chicks, I once tried in the restaurant. But they basically taste nix, except for the herbal butter, which is then with it.
Cat food and liver. With liver I have to get out of the house, it can’t smell bad memories. Cat food is actually worse in liver.
Sushi, I tried it, wanted to go through it bravely, but it was too disgusting.
It’s a blood angel, probably a disgust.
Was the blood gel still raw or somehow prepared?
No, it was your word “angel.”
Auster. Absolutely nothing for me.
It was my first thought.
Miesmuscheln 🤢 Once and then never again.
👍I gave me a whole night after that. But they weren’t quite “deaf” anymore..
Auberginen and in Gaziantep you eat this also at every dish with🥲
Rose cabbage
Dairy . Once and never again.
I’ve never eaten a hedgehog, neither a blood angel, nor a hedgehog. ^^
Gammelhai. That’s enough smell.
A Döner with Koriander
I disgust the spelling skills of some questioners here most
Thank you.
Broccoli with cheese baked 😭
Vegan replacement products.