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Hello! Why distance?Please explain.Great Micha.
Use it not happy. It’s like an unloved stepchild for me.
Just use it if I want to link videos to my YT channel. But don’t bring much, even though I’m in some groups, etc.
It is much more enjoyable on other portals.
For me, FB has spent a long time.
Hello! Why an unloved stepchild?
Well, I’m using FB sometimes. However, very unruly. It’s just huge. Wouldn’t be bad for me if FB suddenly disappeared.
Got it. But crap: After a few days, the Twitch is gone. 😅
All right, well, what do you think of Twitch?
I don’t use it.
LG and still beautiful evening ✨🥰
Hello! Thank you, too.
Thank you.
I think it’s really good in the Grand R&Ganzen.Of course, it’s annoying if there are some obvious fakes that can go on without Facebook doing anything about it.But I’m trying to ignore that.I’m actually finding Facebook a good time-traveling fund group can be really helpful.
I don’t use that to say anything.
It’s okay for me.
Hello! All right,Beautiful day!Great Micha.