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9 months ago

I find good and right.

At least I find it better than this open presentation of the horror images on the tobacco products.

It’s just disgusting if I have to buy some delicious food at the supermarket and then look at the checkout OP-Narben, lazy feet and other disgusts.

(And the children do not do such images well.)

9 months ago

Nicotine, caffeine and advertising of alcohol. Then introduce a sugar tax and is good. Then the health of some people would improve.

9 months ago
Reply to  HawkeyeDZoro

No, they would continue to consume only the state gets money again.

9 months ago
Reply to  Takasha

If DB and Deutsche Telekom were to be back in state and control and would serve the welfare of the general public. It’s past. That’s why we’re the Union because it’s responsible.

9 months ago

Who cares?

9 months ago

Deutsche Telekom – Rates – MagentaMobil XL(Germany)

Telekom – net cover 5G – map(nperf – Germany)

We pay for a mobile tariff of Unlimited (i.e. unlimited data volume) and no device at Deutsche Telekom monthly84,95 €+ a connection fee of39,95 €. What’s the connection fee? So I don’t have an Internet in the store or in the country?

Deutsche Telekom – Tariffs – TIM 5G Power Unlimited(Italy)

Telekom – net cover 5G – map(nperf – Italy)

The most expensive rate at Telecom Italia is€ 39.99monthly and offersduring the ordering processa direct callback from customer service. It includes Unlimited, 5G and also all other security services. You will also receive 100 GB of Google One memory and a second digital number (TIM One Number).

I didn’t really compare with the top riders in Europe, but we can see what we got. By the way, Italy is only a few places in front of us with the net cover.

9 months ago

You realize that the railway and telecommunications were once in state hands and we have such a fucking train and crappy Internet, because these companies were privatized by money-rich politicians, right? Here is the example of our bad internet.

The social-liberal coalition underHelmut Schmidt had plans in 1981for onefiberglass constructiondecided. A year later cameHelmut Kohlto the power,put the plans on the iceand better promote cable TV. 35 years later, there is still no fibre-optic network.

If the plan had been drawn through, the Federal Republic could have the best fibre network in the world today.

The plan was set as a 30-year plan and should run from 1985 to 2015. So 7 years ago, we would have had to have fiber optic nets covering all areas. Today we have covered about two thirds. The Corona pandemic has shown how important the Internet is.

Post privatisation(Germany radio)

And29. June 1994the Bundestag decides its privatization.

Deutsche Telekom(Wikipedia)

From the then privatized German Federal Post Office on the 2nd. In January 1995, Deutsche Telekom AG, a listed company (Aktiengesellschaft).

The maintenance of copper cables is of course cheaper than the laying of glass fiber cables as you could read in the article. Deutsche Telekom can then of course also demand higher prices and generate more profit.

The higher prices are not well thought out that is fact and that is easy to see when comparing the prices of Deutsche Telekom in Italy and Germany.

9 months ago

What’s that got to do with it? Go to Russia.

9 months ago

Yeah, it’s a step in the right direction, but advertising for alcoholic drinks shouldn’t be.

9 months ago

I find it right. (Also everything should be banned with alcohol. I also think that no drug, and tobacco and alcohol are drugs, even if they are socially recognized, and they do, like other drugs, also, at least potentially dependent and lead to health restrictions, even until death. Nevertheless, as examples, they show that, as long as they are not economically prohibited, at least a certain quality control is possible and therefore unnecessary risks can be avoided by consumption and a further advantage for consumers is a certain price stability, in contrast to drugs, whose trade is still (justly) prohibited, where neither relative safety with regard to quality nor relative price stability can be guaranteed.)

9 months ago

Cigarette advertising has been banned on TV for many years and that’s good.

I smoked until about 20 years ago. Actually, it was extremely difficult to stop it. I haven’t been drinking any more recently. That was really easy.

Smoking: Very quickly you need the doll every one or two hours, or it becomes really stressful.

ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

I’m fine. I wouldn’t have anything against a ban on advertising alcohol or something.

9 months ago

All right, now ban beer advertising.

9 months ago

Only the ban on alcohol advertising.

9 months ago

out of my mind, because zigarettes are significantly less bad or nicotine than alcohol.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dibo123y

Who says that? And if it were, why should it be worse with advertising not shown?

9 months ago
Reply to  Redekunst

alcohol changes your cock, men beat their wives when they’re drunk, drive car and cause fatal accidents, rape women, etc. because alcohol greatly relieves your normal menscliche inhibition threshold and you dnke “traust” you would never normally do.

nikotin is also unhealthy yes, but it doesn’t make you drunk and changes your crook.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dibo123y

How the efeu do you get on the bullshit?

9 months ago
Reply to  DackelOrakel

Smoke without a sense does not work…

9 months ago
Reply to  Dibo123y

because cigarettes are significantly less serious or nicotine than alcohol.

Sure, we forbid alcohol and nicotine, but no cigarettes. Save yourself.

9 months ago

Jup, so really into a consciousness-enhancing/modifying noise state, however, you do not come, unlike alcohol.

As I said, this is about this comment, to which I largely agree

Who contradicts that has no plan…

alcohol changes your cock, men beat their wives when they’re drunk, drive car and cause fatal accidents, rape women, etc. because alcohol greatly relieves your normal menscliche inhibition threshold and you dnke “traust” you would never normally do.

nikotin is also unhealthy yes, but it doesn’t make you drunk and changes your crook.

9 months ago

If I’ve done, it’ll be a bad and dizzy.

9 months ago

How long does this state of noise last?

To poison yourself and to keep a “adjustable” state of noise constant is much easier with alcohol than with an Havana on lungs…the body is already struggling after the first few trains while some a drinker scoops away 1+ bottles of liquor and then builds crap…that I want to see how it works with tabak without attachments

9 months ago

Listen, just I’m always differentiating! Otherwise you only talk about fruit and not about apples and pears when you understand.

9 months ago

I also don’t have to get into the car on Friday night, reduce the risk of being hit by a drunk. But that’s not the point.

9 months ago

Smoke a cigar on a lung and that fast.

9 months ago

You take them because you want to get to the nicotine? Heroin is also not as bad as the crap it is being stretched with, yet heroin is to blame you put this crap into your body

9 months ago

But then the alcohol is not the problem. The assholes that don’t know their limits.

9 months ago

yes, but I don’t go near smoking, so I never smoke passively. everyone can prevent it.

9 months ago

Ever heard of passive smoke?

9 months ago

Nicotine makes addiction, but probably kill other substances in cigarettes/bak.

9 months ago

That’s not the point. How bad a drug is is not measured by whether it affects the character

9 months ago

nikotin kills only you and not the other innocent, so I find it much more harmless.

9 months ago

How dangerous a drug is is not measured by how much it changes the character, but how addictive it does and how many people kill it. And nicotine makes extremely addictive and kills many

9 months ago

That’s it.

9 months ago

I’ve never seen cigarette advertising on TV.

9 months ago
Reply to  Takasha

Well, why? has been banned for over 30 years.