Was haltet ihr von Zensur im Internet?
Damit meine ich keine Beleidigungen oder Hetze die gelöscht wird, sondern einfach nur eine andere Meinung als die vom Seiteninhaber.
Sollte das jeder selbst entscheiden dürfen oder sollte man Vielfalt zulassen und gegen die eigene Meinung argumentieren müssen?
Mir fällt das insbesondere auf dieser Seite auf, dass unliebsame Themen radikal gelöscht werden und ich weiß, dass das legal ist, aber persönlich halte ich es für äußerst schwierig, weil hier klar Zensur im Internet betrieben wird.
In case of doubt, you have to look for another forum to publish your opinion. This can also be the own website.
Is that right?
Is it right to exclude people who do not have their own opinion?
The host makes the rules. I think that is correct in principle. If I had such a platform myself, I would also enforce my rules.
I’m against censorship because liberalism is important to me. Not even authoritarian views should be censored because that is in itself authoritarian!
Basically, I am for selfish reasons for liberalism because I know that if I would make myself strong for the censorship of other-minded people, the same censorship can also be directed against me and I would then contradict myself if I said, “I am for freedom!” That’s how I have consistency.
Many people find censorship only bad because they restrict their own opinion and they do not find it so bad when different opinions are censored or do not even call it censorship.
One might think that freedom may be restricted in favour of security. I see that differently, because restrictions on freedom are inherently dangerous. With less freedom, security automatically decreases.
Yes, here is the erased which does not begin with Yes and Amen, differing opinions are not desired.
You have to be insulted and deffamated, but you dare to write your own opinion, then you are either quickly locked or the answers are systematically deleted.
With me, above all, about transsexuality.
I now have my personal opinion that I cannot write because it is always deleted.
Censorship is a state intervention in media publishing practice.
There is no one in Germany!
In this respect, your question is actually nonsense.
“a review and control of printing works, radio, television, film, sound recording and video productions carried out by the State body, etc. A. on their political, legal, moral and religious conformity”
Therefore, your answer is rather nonsense, but thank you for trying
My answer is by no means “nonsense”, but simply covers itself with the one you quoted the bpb. It otherwise notes that there is no censorship in Germany. Also not on the Internet. So you should have read more.
I don’t always think it’s good, but it’s now the right of the owners.
Yeah, but I’m not about the right, but about your opinion.
I am aware of the current right.
Yeah, well, as I said, I don’t always like what’s going on here.
Always on the side
Sometimes very helpful, but sometimes really not quite cool!
rubber ball
What do you think?
What you write is not a censorship.
As long as you don’t write or spread conspiracy theories, nothing is deleted. It’s really easy.
On this page this is definitely not so
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Are you coming on yourself, right?
You want me to show you what was deleted?
Otherwise, it would probably be on the platforms of the devils.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄