What do you think about TV casting shows?
I think talent shows are becoming more and more absurd. Sometimes even ridiculous. Like DSDS. The Voice is still good. What do you think about something like that?
I think talent shows are becoming more and more absurd. Sometimes even ridiculous. Like DSDS. The Voice is still good. What do you think about something like that?
Hey Do you have a TV app like Zattoo or similar on your phone? Do you also use the TV app?
Hello, my TV has not had any channels for a few days, the signal strength is 100%, but no channels are found no matter how I run the search 🙁 I am with Vodafone
I'm looking for the title of a show I once saw on Pro7 Maxx. A group of people tried to get delivery jobs, delivering items to specific buyers. There was also one who was always out and about with his cat. It's an American show. Does this ring a bell and can anyone help me?
I'm a fan of both of them. Unfortunately, they're split up.
I mean, he has to pay Mr. Krabs to even be allowed to work for him, but he still lives in a house and doesn't seem to have any money problems. So where does he get his money from?
Kann mir nicht vorstellen das man sows feiern kann sobald man raus aus der Pubertät ist oder man seeeehr viel langeweile und kognitive Probleme hat
Werden? Sie waren niemals nicht absurd und jeder, der da mal genauer hinschaut, wird erkennen, dass Menschen dort vorgeführt werden und man Geld auf deren Rücken macht. Jeder, der solche Sendungen schaut, fördert das Ausbeuten von jungen Menschen und sollte sich schämen das unterstützt zu haben.
Man hat auf jeden Fall was zu lachen xD
Nicht mein Genre …
Bin leider jetzt essen gehen, also offline. Sry. 😐