Was haltet ihr von solchen Freunden?
Ihr redet ganz normal auf Whatsapp , und die Person geht nach jeder 3. Nachricht aus dem Chat, und braucht 5-15 Min um zu antworten.
Endergebniss: Statt eine Konversation die 20 minuten dauern sollte dauert sie eine Stunde.Entschuldigt wird es sich nicht.
Was haltet ihr davon?
If it’s something that needs to be discussed quickly, that’s one thing.
But normally? I’m not gonna let myself go. I think it’s much more disrespectful when you ask me to answer “at the moment”. If people do not agree that I need to answer for several days/weeks and, despite explanation, why this is so, not respect these limits, they are not worth it and I have no further contact with them. I’m not going through if someone doesn’t answer me for 2-3 months. I had a lot of times, and I’ve done it a lot. That’s a real friendship. compromises have to be found, or in the best case both interlocutors are the same as that.
Did you let the person know it bothers you?
I personally wouldn’t apologize either. I’m not sorry I care about my well-being. But of course we cannot know what its reasons are. Did you ever ask him/her that? Outside the phone, there’s a life outside.
If it is important or urgent: Call!
Everything else can wait. It’s not the other person’s problem if you’re bored. There are people who have a life and more important to do.
I don’t care. I often do this myself and don’t care about others. You have other things to do.
Since a person is not obliged to be available to you according to your ideas, this matter is to be considered harmless.
I don’t see an excuse.
You should not give such a value to a communication via WhatsApp and response times.
As has been answered… every longer conversation is more sensible when it takes place in reality from face to face.
Normal… you don’t always hang on the handy, but you have something else to do…
I think the idea of a conversation that requires more than 4 sets to lead via WhatsApp is stupid.
I know. Fuck.
So one is normal, and then you’re still there.
haha, plottwist: I am the person who needs 5-15 min! but well, it’s okay you’re not normal