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1 month ago

Hello Ozma04, 👋

What do you think of pescetarism?

I think a lot of it. 👍

Pescetarism. No meat, but fish: Pescetariers are people who follow a vegetarian diet, but still eat salmon, trout, seafood and co.

Yes, this diet is very healthy.

What do you think about it or do you feed yourself like that?

I’ve been eating pescetar for a long time

& full. I’m very good with it… 🥳👍

LG 🙋🏻

1 month ago
Reply to  Ozma04

Yes, but rather rare.

You can explain this briefly and talk briefly about it, but hours of discussions, disputes,
or disputes I reject (in the RL).

I also do not ask other people to justify how & why they feed so much. LG 🙋🏻

1 month ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Thanks for the ⭐

1 month ago

Ah, I was wondering what you mean by RL. I thought, i.e. usually, but that doesn’t hit it ðŸTM‚ Now it makes sense 👍 Otherwise I know professionally mainly the badge. Rear position. LG back 👋

1 month ago

Have you become another person?

No, I didn’t become another person. 😁

In the past, I have read a lot of discussions, disputes or disputes from you on the topics of nutrition and beverages, diabetes… as these topics are of interest to me personally.

Nothing changed that.

I’m glad you’re there,

or have read. 👍

If I’m wrong, I’m sorry.

No, you didn’t get wrong,

but you read something:

👉(in the RL) … ==> Real Life

LG 🙋🏻

1 month ago

You can explain this briefly and talk briefly about it, but I reject hours of discussions, disputes or disputes (in the RL).

Have you become another person? In the past, I have read a lot of discussions, disputes or disputes from you on the topics of nutrition and beverages, diabetes… as these topics are of interest to me personally.

If I’m wrong, I’m sorry.

1 month ago

Hello, Ozma04!

The focus of the pescetarian diet is on the consumption of fish and seafood as the main source of animal protein, while the consumption of meat and poultry is avoided.

Pescetariers also eat vegetable foods such as fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds.

I believe that this diet can be health-promoting as fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

It can also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, strokes and certain types of cancer.

However, one should pay attention to the quality of fish, as some species may contain increased mercury levels or other pollutants.

Overall, a balanced pescetarian diet can be healthy, provided that it is varied and rich in nutrients.

But I am a “everything eater” and live like a fish in the water.

1 month ago
Reply to  Owlbert

Thank you for your very interesting answer 😍👍 Especially the indication that pescetarier also eat vegetable foods. However, also with health restrictions.

1 month ago

I think I’m great! Beef is the worst for the environment and our body can give up well. Omega 3 is an important part of our body. Lg

1 month ago

I also only eat fish and chicken because fish is easy to prepare and I can buy the chicken finished fried at the butcher next door.

1 month ago
Reply to  Katharina894

It’s not pescetaric.

1 month ago

Can everyone do as he likes. I’m sure it’s not the worst diet. Fish is healthy.

1 month ago

It’s up to everyone. You don’t always know why someone doesn’t eat meat.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ozma04

Many don’t even know what pescetariers are. But you’re not guilty of any account.