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A great country, especially if you are mobile and not just in a hotel
The bay of Kotor is beautiful and the city of the same name would also be if it were not overrun with tourists from cruisers. The Monastery of Sveti Dorde lies in the middle of this fjord-like bay and is worth a trip.
There are beautiful sandy beaches and in the hinterland national parks. In the national parks we were always the only tourist group.
The Skutariese between Montenegro and Albania is a large freshwater lake. The boat trip was very nice
The capital Podgorica is small. There we were very short, because the city offers little for tourists, there are more interesting.
I want to be beautiful as a tourist destination.
In addition, I have no glimpse of the country and therefore no opinion.
I’ve never been there but my brother swears
No, I don’t like it.
too warm and too much water