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I don’t think more of myself than of others (in one of them the sports cars drive)
No more and no less than others….everyone has his hobby and passion.
Like any other person, only one person
Just as much as others.
I don’t care. everyone like he means.
I don’t care what others drive.
They’re people driving a sports car. Sorry, but they’re going to the pot as well as others.
What do you want to hear?
I belong to the people who drive a sports car. When the weather is sunny, I enjoy replacing my everyday car with the open roadster.
Since it needs less fuel and also meets the newer environmental standards than my everyday car, this is sensible and makes fun. Unfortunately, I sometimes have to take more than one passenger and I need the trailer. I guess I have to give up the sports car.
Oh yes, sports cars can be economical and reasonable, but they often have less space and make more driving pass. Who will blame me for this.
Haha the Daihatsu Copen, who looks like a sinner roadster here on the picture, is also not a sports car in the usual sense because he
Sports cars do not define themselves because they are extremely expensive and PS overload.
Sports cars are cars that have been designed to make fun of driving and you do not buy them for pure reason. Another indication for sports cars is that they are only 2-ply.
The Daihatsu Copen is a pure-bred sports car.
The expensive sleds with overboard pony stands are not always sports cars in the sense of definition, but simply protz cars.
The cop was originally intended only as a key car (microcar) for the Japanese market. The European importers wanted to sell it.
In 2004, however, only the right-handed with the 660ccm Intercooler turbo engine with 68 hp has been delivered to Europe. Mine’s one.
Then more than 30,000 orders came from Europe. Daihatsu has decided to offer a left-handed one from 2006 onwards, but it has installed a 1.3 litre suction motor from Toyota.
The right-wing Turob-Copen now has a cult status. That’s what I wanted to have, even though the 1300 has more performance.
The car oil is only 800 kg light and the 4-cylinder engine is equivalent to speeds. The 68 hp is very good enough to convey a Co-Kart Feeling.
Do you know if there was a Daihatsu cop with turbo engine in Japan?
Was it just right?
I think it’s someone who spends a lot of money on the car, more than I would ever want.
Once a year in a sporprt car, a little bit the sauce would give me a whole lot, I wouldn’t have to have it every day.
I’m fine.
I hold a lot of them because they finance my living;-)
I watch people like others, for example, who only drive an endured golf.
It doesn’t matter if you drive the above golf or the latest McLaren P1
everyone deserves my respect.
I treat the managing director with respect as his cleaning power.
the ones like the optics, the others not
I didn’t have enough sports cars: too little trunk, four people sitting like in a canned bush and faster than my travel limousine, the parts are also not necessarily, of which… you can’t drive on German highways anyway
Nice thing!
We’ve always had a convertible in the family for 26 years.
It’s all alone their decision! I want others to stand out.
What do you think of them? Who’s the money that’s yours?
And what about the environment?
do not harm sports cars of the environment or what? would I be new