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3 years ago

If you don’t trust yourself because you’re afraid of long-term consequences or side effects, okay. I can understand.

But if you want to mission others, talk to them that they should not infiltrate, that the vaccination is dangerous, etc., I find a social. Everyone should be able to determine themselves.

What I can’t understand, however, is that people are celebrating coronaries instead of vaccination, eating horses, smoking, taking drugs, don’t worry about the pill, don’t pay attention to where their meat comes from and what the animals have got for medicines, dealing with hormonal substances, fish that often contains mercury, etc., etc.

Bzw it’s okay to make things where you know how bad it can end, but you can’t be inoculated because it may have consequences. But don’t be.


3 years ago

I can’t always understand them, but that’s not my job either.

3 years ago

I am vaccinated myself. I didn’t understand why some people don’t want to inoculate. But gradually I talked to family and friends and understanding. I think the vaccination should be voluntary. Clear 2G and the other rule in the workplace makes it hard for which no home office can.

3 years ago

The vaccine is not safe, has a low effectiveness, its effectiveness is limited and it must be revaccinated continuously.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sniffyz6

The vaccine is safe. He passed all clinical trials.

The effectiveness is not low. With a vaccine developed against the wild variant, we still achieve a high level of protection even against new mutations and a high probability of combining heavier processes more than 1 years later. Vaccination works.

You also have to be inoculated against the flu every year if you want to protect the flu. It won’t be different with Corona.

3 years ago
Reply to  Noeru

Die on vaccination effects, in rare cases, people. A vaccine that reduces the symptoms but does not offer sterile immunization is not effective. And this lean yield is allegedly given to Omikron only after the third or fourth vaccination. No one says that she is completely useless, but she is not effective.

3 years ago

Masons or rubella vaccinations build a sterile immunity. You can’t infect yourself with it.

3 years ago

Paracetamol or aspirin also die, in rare cases, people. A vaccine always has the primary aim of preventing severe courses, not primarily the infection.

3 years ago

Of course, this does not apply to persons who cannot be inoculated for medical reasons. Such people can’t do anything to keep them intimidated.

3 years ago

Vaccinations are one of the greatest achievements of humanity.

3 years ago

Understanding the position makes it worse.

3 years ago

I’m part of it.