was haltet ihr von “legal” highs?
Hey, Was denkt ihr über legal highs, wie zb HHC oder Lachgas?
aber auch andere sachen wie zb. badesalze (auch räuchermischungen und ähnliches) oder Research Chemicals?
Hey, Was denkt ihr über legal highs, wie zb HHC oder Lachgas?
aber auch andere sachen wie zb. badesalze (auch räuchermischungen und ähnliches) oder Research Chemicals?
Guten Tag, ich bin M/16 und habe seitdem ich 15 bin den 125er Führerschein. Am Freitag habe ich mit Kollegen gefeiert, da wir jetzt in die gymnasiale Oberstufe kommen. Viele haben etwas genommen, ich habe es bei Gras ( Cannabis ) und Diazepam gelassen. Beide jener Drogen bzw. Stoffe sind verschreibungspflichtig. Ich bin seitdem nicht…
Hallo, ich bin Suchtkrank durch Tavor (Lorazepam) seit über einem Jahr. Ich bin vor ein paar tagen rückfällig geworden und seit dem wieder schnell reizbar. Kann ich nach einem mal wieder Entzugserscheinungen haben?
Heyy wahrscheinlich eine dumme Frage. Ich hab gestern nh halbe Flasche Vodka O getrunken über so 4 h verteilt mir geht es nicht schlecht ich hab nicht gebrochen oder so ich war bloß sehr sehr dolle betrunken Jetzt ist der nächste tag und ich würde sagen das ich eine sehr sehr leichte Übelkeit habe was…
Ich habe in meinem Leben nie berauschende Drogen genommen und auf Grund meiner muslimischer Erziehung kam ich auch nie wirklich in nahen Kontakt zu Leuten die das machen, abgesehen von Leuten mit denen ich zur Schule gehe und bei Rappern oder ähnlichem. Wie kommt es, dass man so “verrückt” danach ist? Es gibt Menschen die…
So from salmon not so much, HHC was one or more experiences when it was still legal.
2 benzo Pro Drugs therefore legal, are better than Tavor(Lorazepam).
Upper, if you get you, are of positive but also of negative effects. No longer comparable to that of the time. ALPHA-PVP OR PHP……….
DA FOR they are no longer so strong, there are usually or hardly any negative side effects.
Psychedelic substances, such as LSD derivatives, must always be seen as the current state.
Opioides whether high or low potent are available, even strak seding, unfortunately hardly, little to no euphoria, maybe as a beginner, could still come.
After the HHC banned what even happens in small quantities in cannabis. I don’t know anything about that.
And fortunately, what I would just buy, there are usually the pure substances, instead of packets with unknown contents.
Which there is in DE is forbidden to post, and the more the knowledge about so faster is final!!!! In the neighboring country, of course, it looks different. However, you can make yourself criminal, even when ordering NpSG substances. The one who spend this in the scope is a punishment, only the purchase in DE, can not be punished
Nothing… because soo “legal” are often not, but simply “NOCH NOT BEING”. They are often also soooo new, which no one yet knows what the consumer wants. And for a short “noise” in doubt take life-long problems or even death?! nee….
I don’t think so.
What does it take?
What problems should they solve? Or what inferiority complexes should they cover if they are not to solve problems?
Or does it only use something for people who can’t start their lives?
I mean, almost every person has his trucks, but do you have to envy his mind artificially? This does not work with alcohol – what humanity should have already learned to enjoy in the many millennia of its existence.
In general, I do not think of these substances more or less than of illegal substances. They all have certain desired and certain undesirable effects. Use is always associated with certain risks.
So-called herbal blends and comparable products, in which it is not clear what exactly one actually takes, since the suppliers do not share this, I generally see very critical. If ever, you should always know exactly what you take and how much you take. If you decide to use a psychoactive substance, you should have informed yourself as best as possible about how it works and affects it and what risks you take with consumption. You should drug mouth trade. In the case of illegal drugs, of course, this is also critical, as the composition without Drugchecking is never well known.
It is particularly problematic for new psychoactive substances that have recently been discovered or invented that one cannot inform one another or only to a very limited extent. Here you don’t know what risks you take with consumption. In particular, which long-term risks (e.g. cancer risk) are in play. Anyone who takes such substances inevitably becomes available as experimental rabbits. Experience reports of individual users are then relatively soon. However, they must not be overvalued, since they are naturally not very meaningful. It is more or less cognitively distorted self-perception, not systematic studies with scientific standards.
Drugs should only be consumed responsibly if at all.
This means that only if one could not achieve the purpose of this, without significantly greater effort, otherwise and even only in a dose which is appropriate to the purpose.
You should always know the dose.
If possible, medical surveillance should take place. In addition, documentation is desirable both in the noise state and before and after. Some surveillance (for example, blood pressure control) can also be carried out in the long term.
Exhaust tests should be carried out regularly, if possible.
To get used to it is less effective and often even much more unhealthy than even illegal drugs.
I don’t need it. I’ve got coffee as a drug.