Was haltet ihr von Ländern, wo man nach Bestehen der Theorie schon mit einem erfahrenen Begleiter Auto fahren darf, und dann innerhalb 1,5 Jahre Praxisprüfung?

Das ist z.B. in Schweiz, USA und Österreich teilweise so, dass man dann mit “L” Schild und einem erfahrenen Begleiter sozusagen privat Fahrstunden nehmen kann, und das sogar empfohlen wird, das bis zur Praxisprüfung ausreichend zu machen. In DE, gibt es auch begleitetes Fahren, aber nur für 17-Jährige und erst nach bestandener Praxisprüfung.

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1 year ago

I had the system in Canada. We had the theoretical exam and 6 driving hours with FL as well as 30h theory in the high school program (somewhat less if you did it outside the high school). However, the theoretical examination was possible before the end of practical and theoretical teaching. (The systems differ from Province to Province) The practical test was carried out at the earliest after 9 months. (And then it went on with a step system which, for example, regulated how many people were allowed to take in the car. This was much more stringent than here in Germany. (as of 2007/2008)

Let’s say this…for Canada (which is zero comparable to the traffic here in Germany outside big cities) it was wonderful. However, it also depended on the companion. My guest mother was, for example, really terrible, so I finally took additional driving hours. But even in large cities, traffic was not comparable to Berlin and co.

At least in the region where I used to live, it was also quite normal that you were sitting at the wheel of a car much earlier. Almost everyone had any relatives on huge farms and drove there much earlier with the car. Often at the age of 10 or even younger. The farm kids in my host family, for example, drove out to the animals at 8-9 years in the car to help. All its own terrain, the next neighbor far away.

For Germany, I could not imagine.

1 year ago

I don’t think it’s objective.

The passed theoretical examination says absolutely nothing about the driving skills of the rider.

I think much more of the German system, where a neutral, trained person in the form of the examiner judges the driving skills before the rider is released to the public with a potential murder instrument.

1 year ago

The serious difference is thus summarized by the fact that in the one model parents and friends mimic the driving instructor, in which the other has to be hired for practical testing a correct driving instructor.

I think it’s better if a real driving instructor teaches driving.

1 year ago

I don’t think so. Because not every person who has a driving licence is also a good driving instructor! If the man goes along, but the eyes are closed, the GAR doesn’t use anything. If he’s hyperventilated, it doesn’t work. The streets are safer.

1 year ago

Not much.