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Sometimes I don’t eat my bread and then I don’t like it at home. I can understand it well when it comes to children. Especially because they usually didn’t even choose what comes to the bread.
ja aber wegschmeißen
There’s a lack of parents – not children.
Yeah, shit’s stupid. That is why it should not be ruled. If children do not eat their bread on a regular basis, I would go to the conversation and make the bread so that it is eaten. There are also children who can’t start with bread in general, so you have to look for alternatives. But I wouldn’t force a child to eat something that doesn’t want to eat, just because I don’t want to throw it away.
yes you would look for alternatives
Didn’t you understand me?
will you then say that it will have to eat
I don’t have breakfast. Besides, no one has to do anything. If it doesn’t want, it doesn’t want
No, but if it were my child, I would address it and ask why it doesn’t like the jause, because there are wasted food when it is not eaten.
So in any case no food is thrown away 😉
and if the child does not eat what then
Then I eat it, I don’t force anyone to eat. But you should stop looking at that you buy together and for all that is also liked, then nothing happens at all;-)
If he’s not hungry, I won’t force him. But then I don’t allow him to eat snacks. He has to eat his bread. So I wouldn’t throw it in the garbage because he didn’t eat it.
If he doesn’t like the bread because he may not like the bread spread, then I eat it myself
but if he has no pleasure he must
First of all, I’d try myself if the school bread tastes at all.
and if yes
If you like it, the kids can eat the school bread themselves.
and if they have no pleasure