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If you have some more complex, concrete specifications, you can often forget the results completely 😅🫣
I’ve been telling stories about ChatGPT lately. And then asked for a picture. Sometimes the number of person is wrong, then central features. And if the list of errors is too long, the same errors are repeated.
In history, pizza was baked at home – in the picture was the pizza in a delivery box. 😳
Potentially problematic.
On the one hand we have funny little pictures of how Harry Potter’s character lt book should look. Harmlos and mostly entertaining.
On the other hand, we have images depicting the people of public interest (Papst, trump, Merkel,…) in a wrong situation, for example, an arrest that never existed. Currently it is often still recognizable whether the ki is but ki gets better and probably learns to count fingers and toes at some point. Even now, there are people who believe and spread it and make decisions about it. .
As an extension of 2 we have “historical” pictures. Here, if necessary, history is rewritten with the pictures and I have the, hopefully unfounded, worry that these fakes will find it in history books if it succeeds in getting the pictures in reputable archive.
A good day, dear,
in principle, I find them superb, but our laws and technologies are not prepared for it, which will give us tens of legal problems in the foreseeable future.
Especially when it comes to “Deep Fakes”.
Best regards
It’s like (almost) any technology.
For the right purposes used responsibly, a great thing and nice offering facilitation or Help. For example, an illustration created for something or something.
But in the wrong hands with malignant intentions worryingly (“deep fakes”, as you call it so beautiful today).
This means that technology is just as bad/good dangerous/safe as other technology before. The society must learn to deal with it.
I think AI images are a good idea. I just see problems in not being able to distinguish them between real and fake anymore. With AI images, however, the 1:1 can be created quickly and conveniently. My background picture I have been able to personalize as I wanted.
Somewhere good but has many disadvantages