Was haltet ihr von Italien?
also nicht Politisch sondern Land& Leute, Essen, Kultur, zum Urlaub machen usw.
also nicht Politisch sondern Land& Leute, Essen, Kultur, zum Urlaub machen usw.
Ich weiß nichts ob’s daran liegt ob man gewachsen oder so ist aber ich hab echt das gefühlt das die Beinfreiheit in den letzten 2 Jahren mehr waren
An welchem Datum wurde Guns N’ Roses gegründet? Bitte mit Quellenangabe.
Getränke darf man leider nicht mitnehmen, aber wie ist es zum Beispiel mit Brötchen oder Schokolade?
Hallo,brauche eure Hilfe:Man hat mir eine Vespa PX50 xl2 bj 92 geboten 5000km…da ich unbedingt eine möchte…und mir die anderen leider zu teuer sind,habe ich ein paar Fragen:Werden diese Modelle auch an Wert zunehmen?so wie die anderen modelle zum bsp mit 4000euro im inet?diese steht top da …bekomme Ersatzteile dazu für 850 euro.Ist es das…
Hallo ich bin grade am überlegen Whisky aus UK zu importieren steige aber durch die gebühren noch nicht so ganz durch. Sofern ich das richtig verstanden habe, muss der Verkäufer die UK VAT abziehen, dafür muss ich dann in Deutschland die VAT zahlen. Dazu kommen noch etwa 7€ pro liter alkohol. Ab 150€ fallen dann…
A beautiful country and good food
All very nice, whether the country or the delicious Italian food. The hospitality is also there if you are in the Mafia. But for vacation, according to the place of course, there are too many tourists. Whether South Tyrol, Lake Garda, Rimink or Adriatic, or wherever. It is overfilled
I like the proximity of mountains to the sea. Sometimes you have both at once. For me just wonderful!
The old cities, the streets, forests, nature…
As in Germany, there are idiots and ordinary people…
In restaurants and shops, however, I was able to establish an above-average kindness towards children. I do not know that in Germany.
Seasonal and regional very well with a lot of love when you know the right places and locations. Fish and seafood are quite different from us.
Those who are interested in hermitages, old buildings, churches, etc. are fully at his expense.
A lot! In Italy there are countless beautiful cities etc., e.g. the Italian Riviera, Tuscany, San Remo, Cervo Ligure, Florence, Pisa etc.
The most beautiful town is for me personally Roma > Petersdom, with the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Engelsbrücke, Engelsburg, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Colosseum, Pantheon, Palazzo Venezia, Via Appia, Villa Borghese, Santa Maria Maggiore, Lateran, Ostia, Piazza Navona, Campo de ‘Fiori, Forum Romanum, Eis bei Giolitti, Trasteo Verica…
Private photos > Roma:
It is a classic holiday country and I have wonderful childhood memories. In the 60s South Tyrol was our family travel destination every 2nd year. Farm holidays with daily excursions to the surroundings.
Hiking in the mountains to castles and castle ruins, swimming in the lakes and visiting the charming places.
I have often been on holiday in Italy and there is so much to see and discover. First with parents, later alone and with friends with own car and today often organized by bus, train and plane.
Rome is the most interesting capital for me, because I find the Roman antique very exciting. As a metropolis, Rome is particularly interesting because the main attractions are easily accessible on foot. There I am always happy in spring or autumn. In summer, Rome is too hot.
South Tyrol belongs to Italy, but is not Italy, but Tyrol.
Politically, it has been part of it since 1918/19. An independent state of Tyrol or even better an autonomous region within Europe would of course be an option. The internal autonomy of South Tyrol in Italy and therefore more than North and East Tyrol in Austria.
People can live there very well and then politics is second-ranking and is considered to be a lot too bite. I am in favour of joint cooperation and of eliminating problems as far as possible and not of intensifying.
South Tyrol is from Italy on 10. October 1920 against the declared desire of the entire population and against the voices of the Socialists in the Italian Parliament. It was a brutal imperialist act, followed by the oppression of the fascist regime. The current legal government in Italy is now doing everything to rehabilitate the fascist time and honour fascist criminals. For example, in honour of the fascist Minister of Education, Gentile, who wanted to exclude women from higher education, justified the crimes of the fascist groups of pupils and forbade school lessons in Slovenian and German with severe punishments, a stamp has recently appeared, which was perceived as humiliation in South Tyrol. The South Tyrolean leader has protested. The guarantee power was also called Austria, but as many times nothing will happen. In view of such provocations that repeat themselves, “jointing together” is hardly possible, at most a “beside one another”.
A beautiful country. I’ve never been there, but I wish I could travel there. I also find the language(Italian) super.
Beautiful country, very good food
I’ve been there more often. That’s why it lost stimuli compared to other goals.
I find it nice. I haven’t seen much of the land yet, but the places I know were great. And I love Italian food anyway!
I’m there almost every week. You can buy very well and also the restaurants are good. But first of all, I like it when all the Touris are gone.
The Germans are the worst!
I find chic (country)
People don’t know only 1 half Italian and only another Italian (because of pizza restaurant)
about food we don’t have to talk right about it is perfect 🍕👌🏻🫡
I don’t know what they are about culture
I’ve never done a holiday
I have vacationers in my circle of friends Italy, who go to the beautiful area every year and are thrilled, and could not imagine another holiday country.
Country and people are very hospitable, courtesy and generous, the food tastes excellent, the sunrise and sunset delights the soul, you have everything you need, you can look at the beautiful area, hiking has the sea and the sun and wonderful people around you.
was never there, but is a beautiful country 🇮🇹
We are very happy in Italy. Friendly people, beautiful cities, delicious food and a very varied landscape.
on Elba
you have the italian from the alps to the top of the shoe?
as different as from leak to richness – from aachen to leuna!
Hello, ItalianLeonardo. 🤗
Italy is a very beautiful country, apart from the beautiful bathing beaches, such as Rimini and La Pelosa.
Very nice is Pesaro, no question.
But quite a bit impressed me Recanati…. There is not only culture, but also good music.
It’ll be memorable.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
There are very many beautiful cities and corners. You can hold it well for a holiday.
I find Italy interesting, was never there, but would like to go.