Was haltet ihr von dieser Zeichnung?
Hallo künstlerisch interessierter Teil der Community,
wie einige von euch wissen, arbeite ich gerade an meinem zweiten Horror-Bilderbuch-Projekt “Die Rabenmutter”. Ich habe dazu schon ein paar Fragen erstellt.
Heute geht es um mein Erst-Design des Schreckens. Der eine ähnliche Rolle wie die des Teufels in der christlichen Mythologie einnimmt.
Ich wollte ihn absichtlich abstrakter gestalten. Mit einer Form die als Menschen-ähnlich erkannt werden kann, da er ein Wesen mit Persönlichkeit ist, aber wirr und “unfassbar” weshalb ich diesen “Kinderzeichnung aus der Trauma-Intensivstation”-Stil gewählt habe.
Ich überlege im Bilderbuch einige seiner Eigenschaften von Bild zu Bild zu verändern, zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Finger.
Was meint ihr?
Got something. Makes fun of me, as if it wanted to explain what no one cares about while it grumbles.
Haha, that was not where I wanted to go with the design, but an interesting mindset.
I don’t think so. I don’t like abstract art:/
This would be the only abstract figure in the picture book.
Looked at the other characters. I think they’re very good.
Interesting, thanks for your feedback 😊
I like very well, as an artistic design, as it does in a children’s book, I’m not sure, probably depending on age, less for the youngest. 😁
Picture book, not children’s book 😉
A horror picture book like the predecessor from the series. The cover also has a warning that these are not books for children.
Ah sorry read me, yes then this is very good
Changing a picture is always difficult, because often the “spirit” gets the feeling that expression is lost.
Interesting thought, I will definitely let myself go through my head 🤔
The different images would be different scenes, i.e. the same character in different poses and different angles.
Hold on, and then you’ll see if you can.
Looks like a 7-year-old school block scribble.
And before Mimimi comes back, you asked for an opinion and not for criticism. This is my opinion.
Too bad your opinion is worthless. Especially because you’re trying to call an insult what I tried to achieve with the style…
And you want to diagnose people with the Dunning-Kruger effect… just embarrassing how you’re getting here.
Then she fits your drawing.
It’s nice to see that your drawing is worthless.
This will be a very long and arduous way with you, especially if you are so immature. But with good luck and even more trouble, one day you can’t blow it to your bones. As I said, VHS course could help.
It’s nice to see it. Self-knowledge is the first step on the road to improvement. This will be a very long and arduous way with you, especially if you are so immature.
But with good luck and even more trouble, one day you can’t blow it to your bones.
For me, the image magnification is also not recognizable, for which this parchment should be good!
Well, we have something in common, because for me it is not clear what your comment should be good.
You finally asked what you think of the picture – and if you can’t bear any criticism – don’t ask!
And the only thing you’re armed with is Mimimi. You’re like the people who go to DSDS and imagine, they’re the next superstar and wonder when they get 3x no.
Of course, everyone is insulting and calling the “meeting” and then making retreats when it comes to explanation.
Become an adult and try spiritual duels once you are armed with more than your own cot. Just to be ashamed as you are here.
Hey. I don’t talk so grammatically right, and can’t think and speak at the same time. 🤔
No matter, don’t care 😂🤪🥳🥰🤩
And that’s what he means, or they probably 😋😜😏
That’s why you fuck and enjoy yourself… or how?
Well. What I mean is, what is true with strange circumstances that they have to vote. 🖖🥸
Somehow, it’s just going up today, instead of celebrating the freak, how strange this is 🤞😂👍
Why would I do that if you don’t take any advice? Give a sign course on a folk school so you can learn a few basics about drawing. You paint like a small child without a spatial depth. But now you will surely say that this is deliberately designed with this “style” 😅
Then tell me what to do with the content “Is shit.” Or what he should be good for. I’m very excited.
Again and again interesting as people who have no idea of the topic have to diagnose my other and do not realize that they only see their own characteristics that they project on others,
You’ve been asking, not for suggestions for improvement. Because you’re leaning strongly towards Dunning-Kruger, you don’t think you can improve the picture anyway, it’s almost perfect.
That’s a week of primary school. So please don’t make anything too fast and so, because my inner Assi doesn’t come with 😂
You don’t seem to be aware of what criticism is.
From your comment there is no information about value, except perhaps that you could need a new glasses. Also, you didn’t say what you think of the picture, but only your inability to recognize it, you said.
So what should be a criticism of your contribution? Where is the proposal for improvement?
You just seem to be insulting me under the cover of alleged criticism. There are too many such users here.
ugly and dissuasive. 😏🤔
Thank you, so be it 😊
To lengths better than your last draft! It’s a little silly. In it one can recognize/interpret his fears, precisely because the representation is not so concrete.
Thank you very much
Then my plan worked.
Place the head visibly enlarged on a forward bent body with torn mouth and eyes in the middle and let the arms stretched out towards viewer advance.
So, as if he was going to take the viewer forward?
No bad idea, but the pose was more of a second place to me 😊