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4 months ago

Cherrypicking or “double moral”

If we take the first list and draw out from it what characteristics or categories the food has been chosen.

Then you can find that the list below is not complete.

As an example:

We have Bacon, HotDog burger and cheese. As well as other prepared dishes.

Here, naturally, the vegan variants are accepted.

However, this means that we have to count the prepared dishes.

What does the list below not simply mean on 3 types of meat (probably chicken, cattle and pigs. [that there are even more species here will also be ignored, for example hammel or wild]). Bacon, Burger, Hot dog. tacos, Burritos and the Pasta court, as well as baked with one. Must be downstairs too.

Upstairs we represented the apple two times. Once in green and once in red. What does that mean to differentiate varieties. Consequently. We also need to distinguish cheeses and do the same for meat. for example, chicken loaf is other chicken meat than chicken breast.

Conclusion: Willy compiled lists that should only show the vegan more choice than meat.

For answering the question. Completely fills the list of “Vegan food”. Because this is quite big. But the author of posting may not only be concerned with answering the question of what is more vegan than eating at all.

The implication that is made here “veganers have more choice than not vegan” is simply wrong as it cannot be right. A non vegan can also eat all vegan products in addition to animal products he has no restriction in the diet with taking out his own taste (which does not play a role here) so he also always has a larger selection of what he wants to eat.

Consequently, the statement is: vegans have more choice. It’s wrong.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fotograf1986

This is clearly visible in the Meme

As I said in my answer, however, there is no comparison between the vegans and non- vegan food.

The line Non Vegan food is superfluous.

And if you list both categories then you have to fill them according to the same criteria. Everything else is dishonest.

This, however, is compared in the meme: Vegan and nonvegan. It is not obvious that it should only show how much choice vegan people have.

4 months ago

I don’t see that. That is what I am going to do. The topic has shifted from the actual topic to that we discuss the previous discussion. This is from my point of view and the same discussion, because it has emerged throughout the course and there has now been no cut in which someone has suddenly raised a completely different subject.

And even if. I don’t see anything negative. Why shouldn’t I look out when I see something different than you?

4 months ago

That’s not true. I told you that you’ve done it.

That’s correct. And I didn’t argue in a following way either.

Check out the comment again.

I quote the phrase from you that it is clearly recognizable.

I have also commented accordingly.

And against the argumentation that the classification of categories also requires a fair selection of things that occur in these categories.

Didn’t make any arguments. But you were shot again that I misunderstood the meme. What is basically irrelevant for criticism at the time.

What I tried to show you in the following comment.

4 months ago

Neither is the Meme guilt you’re going to be full of iron, and you’re groundless, nor is there anything to discuss here.

I want to note that you’re the one who started discussing here. I just saw my view of the picture.

And later on this point:

The Meme is unique.

That’s not what I see. Unfortunately, you’re not going to the points I’ve called why that should be. And have not called a good argument that should be so clear.


You’ve read that it’s about vegans and you’ve had foam right in front of your mouth. In your fanaticism you have made a “who is better” debate out of it….

You’ve got something here.

have you created the meme? Or why do you know exactly what the author wants to tell us? That would explain why you become so determined in the critique.

4 months ago

No, you’re still making a confrontation.

Meme says that vegans don’t have to give up as much as you think.

And how does that make me? In which it puts the vegan possibilities in realization to the others… so confronted.

hamburgers, cheeses, hot dogs, pizza etc are available as a vegan alternative.

That’s why they’re not listed below.

Even under this point of view it is still Cherry Picking.

The things are available as a vegan alternative. All right. Nonetheless, vegans dispense with many types of citizens, hot dogs and pizzas as well as cheese throughout.

And there is a greener as well as a red apple listed as possibilities. Keep pizzen citizens, etc. I’ll be listed. Because like a green apple is not a red apple and vice versa. Is a citizen not a beef burger or a Häncheburger.

and above is listed what vegans can eat.

And if you call up grumbling and red apples. As 2 different possibilities they have.

You also have to list cattle hamburger and Chickenburger below as 2 options they do not.

Otherwise, this is now an unequal adjustment because here in the 2 categories is measured with different dimensions.

You’re completely wrong about this. Because you misunderstood the Meme statement.

Then the memeeter should concentrate on making the message clearer and allowing less alternatives for interpretation. But I have already told you that, for example, I would never have come to the idea of interpreting the non vegan articles would simply not exist. Because then the meme clearly transfers the message. Well, look how many we can eat.

And if I look at the others answer, the misinterpretation is going through.

However, I think that you can do with legitimate wise. I didn’t really answer your question. But the form of submission (i.e. the meme itself) is criticized.

That’s why I make it more concrete here:

The statement that vegans have many alternatives to meat. It’s just true. The question: what do vegans eat? Isn’t a good question because if you think a little bit, you get to many products.

4 months ago

What can I get from it? That I have much less variety as a poor meat eater? Nonsense, because I can eat both: the whole top list (and even without replacement products) and also the bottom one.

And if I think of the whole variety of cheeses alone, with their so different flavors, then I feel completely underrepresented by the one piece of cheese. For this, red and green apples are shown in the vegetable list – why not at least two cheeses?

In meat, of course, the same applies: a beautiful beef roulade is something completely different than a steak or a boulevard. A lamb-rolling roast cannot be compared with a rusting bowl.

4 months ago

What to say 😅 stop something undifferentiated because it doesn’t make any sense. It is probably targeted at the replacement products, but then the last foods could have been packed with them. So it looks like you don’t know that’s in the croissant butter, a hot dog is actually made with sausages, etc.

4 months ago

Well, let’s see it like this: I’ll take the hamburger as an example. Usually a hamburger is not vegan (and also not vegetarian, see Patties), due to the patties and the cheese (and possibly the sauce? Come on to the sauce. However, there are also vegan hamburgers. However, a vegan hamburger can also be eaten without any problems by a person who is not vegan food.

My mother, for example, has been vegan for about 12/13 years. She couldn’t eat a non-vegan hamburger. (Also she could, but she doesn’t want and that’s to be respected.)

We “Everything” can eat “everything” while vegans (and vegetarians etc.) can’t eat (and want) because not everything is vegan. The non-vegan hamburger is not vegan. Ergo: He does not fit into her diet/their diet lifestyle, or whatever I should call it. For vegans are thus restricted in their food selection as they can not both, but only eat one of the versions.

However, – and I think that the post wants more out (?) – the post is probably more for the people who think that vegans could only chew on their beans, corn and oat flakes and would otherwise have nothing to choose from. The vegan diet is still very versatile. Because you have to be creative here and there. Means: You automatically try many new foods that you would otherwise have never discovered or only discovered later.

And I say it like this: you can also have a fairly limited diet as an “everything”. Take me as an example. I don’t eat much. (Not due to allergies.) Plus: Yes, of course, the “Everything” nutrition consists not only of meat, eggs and cheese.

My mother is also anything but thin/normal weight, so from that. It is easy to eat and take a lot with vegan diet. That may not have happened 40 years ago when the offer was still really bad – if it was there at all, no idea, I’m not that old – but today… I don’t know. It’s much easier.

I realize that not every vegan is eating substitutes, but I’ve ignored that. My mother does. The stuff is also not as much more processed as the Hamburger at McDonald’s or as the Allesser sausage in the form of a bear or in flower form etc. (Very realistic! What? Didn’t you plant sausage flowers this summer?)

4 months ago

Pretty stupid!

I’m an all-eater, which doesn’t mean I’m eating meat alone!

I also eat salad, vegetables, cereals, etc. And to a delicious vegan food I don’t say “no”!

But vegan meat substitutes are just gross. There is neither consistency nor headnote. And above all, a conglomerate of aromas and additives is used, which can simply not be healthy.

Lovely Veganism is just as a religion as various other faith communities and where extremeism can lead you to see everywhere!- and there it is totally awkward whether it is (not) nutrition, gods, traditions….or anything else.

4 months ago
Reply to  adianthum

The picture shows that there are a large amount of plants that you can eat, and animal products in relation only make a small part. From potatoes, cereals, noodles, rice, oatmeal, corn, fruit, vegetables, legumes, beans and lentils, from which people should feed, you can do everything: pizza, burgers, lasagna, wraps, cakes, pastries, pommes. The assertion that one cannot eat anything as a vegan is therefore wrong.

To cut off animals’ head and spread anti-vegan misinformation and propaganda is extremism. Carnism is called the ideology of non-Vegans.

And there is science that vegan substitutes are healthier than animal products.

Plant-based animal product alternatives are healthier and more environmentally sustainable than animal products

2022: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.

A four-week dietary intervention with mycoprotein-containing food products reduced serum accumulating in community-dwelling, overweight adults: A randomized controlled trial

2024: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.

Animal vs Plant-Based Meat: A Hearty Debate

2024: Vegan replacement products are healthier than animal products.

4 months ago

My English is not good enough to understand that, sorry.

But if I listen to my body, he regularly asks for meat.

I grew up with it, even in times when there was something from meat on the table at most once a week. And that was before times of mass animal husbandry and industrial “meat production”, only the expression “meat production” is hardly to be overwhelmed by cynicism!

And if there was a carnival at Christmas, I raised it myself and my dad slaughtered it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fotograf1986

Besides, how do you think the vegan diet has something to do with extremism?

I never claimed.

4 months ago

If you say that…

4 months ago

Eating and enslaving animals has always been unethical and unhealthy. It used to be necessary to survive. But it does not follow that we should still do it today.

That we need animal products to be healthy, these are myths. And non-vegans have a distorted perception. That’s absolutely correct.

Non-vegans are dogmatics.

4 months ago

Karnism is the ideology/the belief system of non-Vegans and the reason why people eat certain animals, but not others.

That’s nonsense.

Man exists much longer than there are industrialization and diet ideologies. Even longer than there are nutritional sciences.

Hunters and collectors, heard before?

This is not an ideology, but a fact that you cannot deny.

Your texts are more likely to be based on an ideology, because they are smearing with this word and such as “myths, distortion of perception,” etc.

But if I’ve learned one in my life, it’s better not to get involved with a dogmatic.

4 months ago

Animal products are unhealthy, regardless of quality, origin and preparation, because they consist of the same toxic, carcinogenic ingredients:Cholesterol, animal fatty acids, animal proteins, growth factors such as IGF-1, hormones, carcinogens, oxidants, bacteria, viruses, haems. These problems are associated with all diseases in tens of thousands of studies and the most important mechanisms behind them are scientifically known. Non-Vegans focus only on the positive effects of the good ingredients (nutrients), which account for 0.1% of dry weight, and ignore the negative effects of the bad ingredients that represent >99% of dry weight. This isAppeal to Minority Fallacyin a health context, a logical failure. The positive effects of the good ingredients cannot compensate for the negative effects of the bad ingredients, so animal products – despite nutrients – lead to bad health outcomes.

Vegan replacement products do not have these problems, so they are automatically healthier. That is why it will never be studies that show the opposite.

4 months ago

Yeah, that’s also carnism and speciesism. We were born into this belief system with false values and health lies. Even at the time when fewer animal products were eaten, it was wrong and unhealthy.

Carnism: The Psychology of Meat

Karnism is the ideology/the belief system of non-Vegans and the reason why people eat certain animals, but not others.

Carnists and speciesists believe it to be natural, normal, natural and necessary that animals are enslaved, punished and murdered for food, clothing, entertainment and science, because these people have been conditioned by carnism since their birth. The fact that people are involved is that karnism has certain defence mechanisms that eliminate human problem awareness. Without consciousness there is no free choice.

Karnism also spreads misinformation and anti-vegan propaganda so that animal products are considered healthy and beneficial.

A neckline fromKarnism Book“Why we love dogs, eat pigs and attract cows: an introduction to carnism”:Pages 42 and 43,Pages 44 and 45,Page 46 and 47

Carnism video

Quotes from the carnism video:

  • “Legal systems such as carnism require certain defensive mechanisms for their self-conservation (defence denying, justifying karnistic myths, distortion of perception) so that rational, humanized people take part in irrational, inhumane practices without even remembering this.”
  • “A animal-productive diet, to which karnism is conditioned, is associated with some of the world’s most dangerous diseases. On the other hand, for a purely vegetable or vegan diet, on whose rejection Karnism conditioned us, it was proven that it prevents disease, or promotes recovery and also has a positive effect on health and sporting performance.”
  • “In addition, the myths of carnism are institutionalized. They are supported and promoted by all major social institutions (government, medicine, education, justice), and thus passed on to us. Karnist prejudices are thus embedded in the foundation of society. (Dr. of Carnistic Nutrition)”
  • “If we are reincarnated into an institutionalized system, then we internalize the myths, just like the products of carnism. Thus, carnism negates our thinking and distortes our perception of meat, eggs, dairy products and animals that we eat.”
4 months ago

Very coolly presented! 💪🏻

4 months ago

What do you think of this statement – Vegan?

To make it look more, green apples and red apples were listed extra.

However, only 1 variety was shown in cheese, and not all 240 (?) varieties. You can also make butter or quartk from milk.

Honey was also “forged”.

The variety of meat types of different species is not shown.

And finally you forget that normal eaters can additionally eat the vegan products.

Vegans are restricted.

All right, there are also yellow and stained apples.

And you forgot the vegan alcohol, such as beer and liquor, tobacco and cannabis. Vegan is so healthy. Right?

4 months ago
Reply to  Fotograf1986

“Then you misunderstood the image.”

Since everyone who answers here understood the image “wrong”, could it not be that you expressed yourself wrong?

Only in the wrong language.

“What can vegans eat (even = even)?”

Vegans are allowed to eat everything pictured, because they are not forbidden to eat animal products.

“to the extent possible and practically feasible to dispense with animal products.”

And if you don’t mind, vegans can eat that.

Since I’m a “non vegan” I know I’m supposed to eat everything pictured.

In German, “non vegan” would be called normal food. Even there would be a wrong idea, Normalesser should not eat green apples.

Nevertheless, you forgot honey, and with vegan tobacco, drugs and alcohol, also sugar and salt.

You asked what we think of it, and I answered that your picture is incomplete.

You don’t need to write, I got it wrong, because it’s my opinion, and on the other hand you forgot a lot of vegan stuff.

4 months ago

And you still forgot alcohol, drugs, salt and tobacco. in Vegan

4 months ago

…you’re talking desperately about head and collar…

You don’t want to say that vegans are forbidden to eat animal products?

Vegans are allowed to eat everything that is depicted on your picture. Normalesser as well.

I’m on spinach, though. Voluntary. Vegans also give up voluntarily.

Even the militant vegan would kill an animal and eat meat if it isn’t different. A vegan does not have to harm himself by starving instead of eating animal products.

4 months ago

Seems to be incorrect in terms of content, as much as is stated as vegan is usually not vegan. If there are vegan versions, of course, but if you were to consider this, the cheese picture would have to be there.

4 months ago
Reply to  ClairObscur

The cheese is also on the right in the upper field. I suppose it’s what you think. vegan alternatives are taken into account.

4 months ago
Reply to  werwiewas99

Oh, yeah. Well, I guess it should show that vegans don’t give up as much as you generally think.

4 months ago

I am a special case in that I have dealt very intensively and objectively with various forms of diet. And also tried for a certain time. Especially vegan and paleo. Therefore, I do not always see what is evil in everything, but try to put me into the perspective of the respective group in order to understand what it might have meant.

4 months ago

Are you serious now? And everyone’s gonna find it good.

4 months ago
Reply to  GiggleAndGlow

Also: Cheese, Bacon, Tacco…

4 months ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

Jaich stopped wasting my time after Hamburg with such an infatile nonsense 🙂

4 months ago
Reply to  GiggleAndGlow

Why is that wrong?

4 months ago
Reply to  GiggleAndGlow

The hamburgers and co I interpreted as vegan substitutes.

4 months ago

I just think, “But there has been an effort and time to explore all the smileys”

4 months ago

In a croissant is butter.

Burger has cheese and possibly also milk in the bun.

Hot dogs.


And yes I know there is one or other “replacement product”.

But what has nothing in common with the not vegan varieties mentioned. So you shouldn’t stand there.

4 months ago
Reply to  DERstobbel

Sure it can. There are no laws in which there is something in there. So working with alternatives is completely okay. If I don’t eat hot dog with vegan sausage, this is still n hotdog

4 months ago
Reply to  TofuMaus

No, it’s not.

And I’m right to give you that there is no rule when an alternative product/stock prohibits that the “whatever” can be titled as “YX”. It should.

Like the “real German bees honey, for example.” It can only be called if it was not heated, for example…

For a cheese contains milk, for example, and that should be clear. If we are now “starting” that there are also alternatives as milk/cheese, or otherwise called (may) although there is nothing more from the “original” in it, where is transparency?!

4 months ago

There are many foods where the name has nothing or little to do with the content.

In tea sausage there is no tea in liver cheese, neither cheese nor liver, nor children in children’s bars.

Then why should a vegan cheese not be called vegan cheese?

There is the ingredients list on the back.

4 months ago

And who does it hurt if he doesn’t have milk in his cheese? Allergens must be marked clearly, absolutely. But because a vegan cheese means no one dies. And the thick VEGAN label on the cheese should be transparency enough

3 months ago

Nothing. With the vegan stuff, things with Z.B. milk are in

3 months ago
Reply to  Fotograf1986

There are also vegan alternatives for meat that are not listed… in the end, the Vegan Schmarrn is nothing for me anyway.

3 months ago

I have never accepted your conspiracy. I don’t accept such a bullshit either.

3 months ago

🤦 ♂️ what a smarr, I already added a quote. Well for me the discussion here is spoken because I certainly don’t want to argue with a person who sees the meat as a drug!

3 months ago

So if you’re a nutritionist, you’d better get a training. Meat with alcohol thus making drugs equal testifies only to uncertainty and here a small contribution from the Internet to the point the meat would be unhealthy: meat is an important protein supplier and also contains important vitamins and minerals.

3 months ago

What brings a vegan? You can only eat vegetables or chemistry. Meat is IMPORTANT!

3 months ago

Even though I don’t care for vegans anyway, it’s the last…!

4 months ago

The pictories are highly dubios, especially as you see several burgers, cream and cheese.

You can and shouldn’t learn from that.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fotograf1986

You already have approx. 50 answers got and almost all have criticized the graphics because it is so misleading. That’s why you don’t have to fight me. Finally.

4 months ago

Immediately inappropriate screaming. What’s going on?

4 months ago

What do you think it’s Mumpitz? The picture suggests that the vegan diet is more diverse than the non- vegan. What is, of course, total nonsense.

4 months ago
Reply to  baumfrosch25

Not really. Non-vegan food does not mean “that is what all eaters eat” but “that is what vegans do not eat.”

4 months ago
Reply to  ClairObscur

Listen, please, excuse me. It’s early in the morning. 😬

4 months ago

Either there’s a deeper meaning behind which I don’t understand or the statement is wrong and pointless.

4 months ago

Bullshit. Non-Vegans eat both quantities, so much more.

4 months ago
Reply to  Losona

And because of donuts – I also see that vegans get lost enjoyment through candy again.

Animal protein prevents this hype on sweetness.

4 months ago
Reply to  Losona

do you have any proof?

4 months ago
Reply to  Losona

This is not about the quantities.

4 months ago
Reply to  ClairObscur

Of course, this is about the quantities – quantity does not necessarily mean in grams! It’s about a selection amount.

4 months ago

Yeah, but I wouldn’t suggest this to veganism in particular. My criticism was more about the political education and media landscape in general.