Was haltet ihr von der Salat Theorie?


Ein Salat erfordert ein bestimmtes Mindestmaß an Entropie, um als solcher klassifiziert zu werden. Einzelne feste Lebensmittel haben für sich genommen nicht genug Entropie, um als vollständige Salate zu gelten, und werden stattdessen als niedrigdimensionale Hypersalate (d. h. Hyposalate) oder Saladoide mit geringer Entropie eingestuft.

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5 months ago

The time I needed to read the link I could have used to make a salad. Without entropy, with onions

5 months ago

And if you’d just explain to me. what you understand in this context by entropy, then maybe I could understand your question.

P.S.: Hairdressers

The first split the hair and gave a lecture about it.

the second adds it anew and must condemn the view of the first.

In the book of the third one you can read: it was not the right hair.

The author is missing.

5 months ago

Well, the approach raises significant epistemological questions. Although the correlation between microstatic entropy and the structural diversification of foods initially has a coherent effect, a well-founded methodological basis is missing. Hypersalates and hyposalates as a concept implicate a dimensionality reduction which leads here to a semantic overextension which leads the physical implications of the entropy mMs as a thermodynamic measure for disorder ad absurdum.

I therefore wonder whether you actually grasp the inherent complexity of the approach or whether it is a manifest reflection of a latent state of the ennui ex cognition in the United Kingdom. I have the slight suspicion that you persist in a phase of epistemic boredom, using concepts whose semantic depth may remain diffuse to yourself.

5 months ago

I make (almost) a salad daily, with fresh ingredients and a good dressing, but I have never used Entropy. Is that very bad? After all, I’ve been out for decades and never missed anything.

5 months ago

Now I had to smile. :
The section is quite funny. In other words, a salad must have a certain The because a cucumber is not yet a cucumber salad. Only when cutting them into slices and adding other ingredients (salt sauce for cucumber salad and perhaps other things) is it a salad.

Insalata mista, Baby…

All right, all right.

5 months ago

“A salad requires a certain minimum of entropy in order as such…” to be sold legally in the EU. What is the minimum entropy of the EU Commission?